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A Nasty Tasting but Powerful Shot
Alcohol & Salvia officinalis
by Cait
Citation:   Cait. "A Nasty Tasting but Powerful Shot: An Experience with Alcohol & Salvia officinalis (exp82533)". Apr 19, 2010.

10 drops oral Salvia officinalis (extract)
  1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Warning: THIS TASTES HORRIBLE. Be prepared to brush your teeth directly afterward, and still deal with a crappy after taste.

A little background: Alcohol is involved. I, admittedly, do not have a very good tolerance to alcohol. Only one shot was consumed, and I am very certain I can handle one shot.

I had purchased a small bottle of common sage essential oil because I love the smell and hoped to possibly create a candle out of it. I never found the time, and a while later I stumbled upon an online listing of the herb as a potential psychoactive. I never realized that this common culinary herb was such a close cousin of 'Salvia,' or Salvia Divinorum which is supposed to produce a short trip.

I have never smoked Salvia Divinorum, so I have no way to compare the two, but this is what happened.

I became curious, and decided to try the Sage oil. It packed a very powerful scent, so I figured whiskey (namely Jack Daniels 80 proof, to be exact) would be a great way to cover the taste. Boy, was I wrong. The Sage was way more powerful tasting than the whiskey. After brushing my teeth, I still had to deal with the after taste for a few hours. Cigarettes helped numb my taste buds, but not by much.

I put ten drops (from the dropper included with the essential oil) into one 1 oz shot glass already full with the whiskey. Cheers, and down the hatch. Fifteen minutes later, I began feeling a little 'warm and fuzzy.' The best way to describe it is that it felt like I had four glasses of wine. It was notably more of a 'wine-drunk' than a 'whiskey-drunk,' although I could not consider myself being drunk.

So, if I ever find myself with only a shot or two of alcohol left and still want to feel a real buzz, I might do this if I were desperate. It definitely helped screw me up, but it tasted so nasty I might never want to do it again.

I never made those candles, by the way. I can no longer stand the taste or smell of sage.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82533
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 19, 2010Views: 10,848
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Salvia officinalis (475) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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