I Believe I Felt a Slight Addiction
by k.y.
Citation:   k.y.. "I Believe I Felt a Slight Addiction: An Experience with Prednisone (exp82572)". Erowid.org. Jun 1, 2020. erowid.org/exp/82572

60 mg oral Pharms - Prednisone
This drug was prescribed to me by perhaps an overzealous college infirmary physician after I came in with a bad case of hives (cause unknown). Doctor handed me prescription, saying nothing as to its side effects, and I was oblivious to the fact that Prednisone is a steroid, which would have definitely deterred me from taking it.

I took 60mg, the dosage prescribed for Day 1 of a 15 day course in which the dosage drops by 10mg every three days or so in order to prevent adrenal suppression in the body and cause dependence. After about 30 minutes, the effects began to be noticed. I felt a definite euphoria, as well as definite hyperactivity. I am hesitant to say that I felt anxiety or nervousness, simply because I felt amazing. Possibly some slight indecisiveness involved simply due to the hyperactivity. I felt like I wanted to do many things all at once, again leading to slight indecisiveness. I had to pack to go home that day, which I did in a joyous rampage (not uncontrollable or manic by any means though), as well as continuing on to cleaning my dorm room, and completing other minor chores, simply because I felt the need to do something.

The coming down was very smooth, quick and barely noticeable. Lapsed right back into normal state without barely noticing.

The next morning presented the only negative effects I had, which was swelling of the face and hands. My lips looked as if I had collagen implants, and my fingers looked like little sausages. Also, I believe I felt a slight addiction to it already, as I distinctly wanted the drug again on a psychological level. This prompted me to immediately stop taking it after the first dose.

Overall, this was a nice experience, but the addiction was slightly shocking. And my lips puffed up big time.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82572
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 1, 2020Views: 1,363
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Pharms - Prednisone (226) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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