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F That
Citation:   NoMeow. "F That: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp82710)". Jan 9, 2020.

6 mg insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]
First - It is quite possible that my stuff was bad or not what it was said to be... pending a chemical test I won't know. It was more crystalline and not off white and powdery like the images online. All points led me to believe the source was reliable, why wouldn't it be... its legal right?

Setting- I received that day and I wanted to try it out to see if it held up to the euphoria/stimulant feeling that everybody has praised it for. I had not eaten anything in about 5 hours and was at home.

Dose- Snorted 5-7 MG, weight was accurate down to the thousandth.
I took a very small tester dose because you never know what you are getting...


Burning sensation in my nose. Ouch.

5 Minutes:
Feeling very nervous and jumpy.
Could not sit down.
Thinking this was a bad idea.

10 Minutes:
Confirmed to myself this was a bad idea.
Heart was beating a mile a minute.
Had trouble focusing and controlling my thoughts.
Pupil dilation.
Come up was really not a good experience.

30 Minutes:
Above effects continued for about an hour.
Still felt like I was coming up but leveling out.
I felt a little touchy-feely like E but not near as good.
My vision was all over the place- I would guess them to be intense eye wiggles if the dose increased.
It was not fun to attempt to focus on objects at distance.
Effects came on in waves like any other drug.

45 Minutes:
Same effects but coming down.
Still uncomfortable with the feeling.
Notable muscle and jaw tension.
Slight kidney pain.
Also I could not tell my own body temperature.
Feeling coming to slight euphoria and empathy.

60 Minutes:
Thankfully I am certain of the gradual come down.
All effects listed above were still happening but for shorter durations and lower intensity.
Euphoria and empathy were more pronounced.
Heart rate back to an elevated level.
Able to carry on a conversation somewhat comfortably.

120 Minutes:
Still feeling slight effects... much more comfortable.
Slight desire for more. Gotta be really stupid to do it though.

180 Minutes:
Effects pretty much gone.
Body hurts, empty headed feeling.

Not a good experience. Would not repeat. Very panicky and unpleasant. That said there was some euphoria and E like feeling but not worth the side effects. Definite hangover feeling.

I was convinced to try this because of all the good effects people had reported. To each his own, but I believe they understate the bad effects that can be experienced. Probably because of the E like sensations that follows the extremely unpleasant beginning. If I had to compare it to any drug I've taken, I would say it was like taking a bad roll... I've had quite a lot experiences with many different substances over the years... and in quantity as well. But if I had to pick between two substances people have compared it to- The experience did not reflect yeah in any way, closer to E. Honestly it was one of those experiences, like 'oh I am an idiot, what did I get myself into'.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82710
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 9, 2020Views: 2,352
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), What Was in That? (26), Unknown Context (20)

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