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Turns Me Into the Marathon Man
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Whiplash. "Turns Me Into the Marathon Man: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp82720)". Oct 19, 2018.

2 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  2 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
26 Miles: First Time Nitrous

On Halloween I depressurized the genie from the bottle and tried nitrous for the first time. The only recreational drugs I use frequently are opiates (I have just reached optimal health and might start using daily), but the drugs I really care about are psychedelics. I try to trip four times a year to keep the magic, and prior to hallows eve I have embarked with mescaline, dmt, and a few other typical psychedelics. Nitrous oxide would have been the first genuine dissociative I've tried, as salvia is two faced and a debate in hallucinogen classification.

I bought a catering grade whip cream dispenser and some twentyfour purewhip whippets from a dot company, and had been saving them for this occasion. I am a huge quentin tarantino fan and finding no criticism in his masterpiece 'inglourious basterds', I wanted to understand the roots of the homage in french new wave film. I planned to watch the subtitled movie 'breathless' during my trip to truly lose the mind underneath my organized thoughts. I also grouped 13 songs in a playlist titled 'vanilla volatile', and jumping forward to October 31st, I was ready to get high.

My buddy came over around 3:30 pm, neither of us had ever tried medical grade nos before, but in my junior year of high school I remember my companion speaking of whippets and figured he wasn't bullshitting. I pooled two nangs into one portal blue balloon and watched my friend imitate. The two of us sat on my mattress and I was told 'after you', I thought not likely and past the brink of procrastination, I pushed most of the oxygen out of my lungs and began to inhale.

My friend counted 10 seconds (I asked him to in case my sense of time got distorted) and I puffed out the so far inert gas, taking a single deep breath of O2, before deflating the balloon further. After another 10 seconds I still had a little to go, and after another break I killed the lol gas.

I laid my head back, hovering above the floor on my Japanese style futon, and daydreamed the rest. The first thought, after the repeated feelings which seemed broadcast forever, was that I had done this before. To describe nitrous as dissociative is wrong, it is parasympathetic. Completely wasted on my mattress I felt as though I had ran a marathon. In between the Boston background I am covered in icy sweat, and before I become a hypothermic statue like jack nicholson in the shining, I burst into a warm room that ends the race and my vision. And everything becomes infrared. No light visible.

How appropriate the element used by dentists turns me into the marathon man. Returning to comfortable numbness in my extremities I see my friend submerging on my bed like a lead balloon. I wait 4 minutes and fill my wedding cake intended vessel with two more cartridges, and repeat the same naughty behavior. This time holding my breath for shorter periods and breathing more fresh air. I brought my friend to hysterics by making a 'wa-wa-wa' sound that I couldn't mimic sitting on a washing machine. I have to remind my friend to breathe on his sophomore attempt.

My friend quickly gathered up his belongings and had to motor to a party at my college. I then looked in the mirror and saw my lips a fantastic shade of cyan, my fingertips also glowing with blue blood. I am still freaked out about this... I looked up pics of cyanosis online and don't think what I saw in the mirror is really close to the textbook pictures, and I do often get neurotic about shallow breathing when I'm high... But then I think 10 seconds isn't enough to cause oxygen deprivation and definitely not enough to kill brain cells (I didn't hyperventilate before starting, so CO2 shouldn't have been very vasoconstricting as it is in the choking game). Nevertheless I still felt odd, grooving out to 'daydream in blue' gasping in the mirror, I still feel off but don't know if I'm making things up.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82720
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 19, 2018Views: 1,103
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