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Bubblegum Dreams
Citation:   FOURassedM0NkEY. "Bubblegum Dreams: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp82736)". Oct 26, 2017.

    4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
In my time I've taken a vast multitude of drugs, especially MDMA. This weekend I tried a new drug offered to me as 'bubblegum'. It was pitched to me as 'sortalike MDMA'. I was kinda skeptical since I had some MDMA but had'nt taken any yet.

I decided to go halves on a gram with my friend. In the UK a gram of good MDMA should cost around £40, this bubblegum however cost only £20 a gram. I split it it with my friend (and gave a few others a dab and a line) and got just as intoxicated as if I was doing the mud. Ok, it may not have been as strong as the MDMA but at least I felt in control of the whole experience the whole time and it was half the price.

I'm still gurning now (8hrs later) and like E or MDMA I was wanting to dance, talk and empathise with those around me. I'm not sure what the chemical name for this stuff was but it was/is a good alternative to the more pricey MDMA. I've given up on pills these days as they contain too many adulterants, but this shit was nice. Not too heavy, but not weak either.

I would love to find out what this substance is.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82736
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 26, 2017Views: 1,947
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : First Times (2), What Was in That? (26), Unknown Context (20)

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