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Severe Withdrawals from Tincture
Citation:   danyv1782. "Severe Withdrawals from Tincture: An Experience with Kratom (exp82797)". Jan 23, 2014.

3 ml oral Kratom (tincture)
I'm writing this to warn people. I have been a regular user of opiates for about 7 years. I have been through withdrawals from morphine, oxycontin and hydrocodone so I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of what opiate detox is like.

That being said, kratom really snuck up on me. I ordered kratom powder 15x from a website that will remain nameless at my friends recommendation and took it about everyday 2 or 3 times a day for about 2 weeks. Then I decided to try the kratom tincture , which was advertised as the strongest most potent formulation available on the website. This came in 20 milliliter bottles and I initially took about 3 mils a day via medicine dropper under the tongue. It really was powerful, I can describe it by comparing it to 15 mg of oxycontin, insufflated, for someone without a tolerance.

The feeling was a strong opiate buzz, Not as hard edged like oxycodone, but very stimulating and upbeat, along with decreased perception of fatique and
Sometimes severe itchiness that all opiate lovers know. I could sleep on it if I wanted and their wasn't a terrible or abrupt crash. Just a feeling of coming down after 5 hours or so.

Kratom is not an opiate, but I noticed that as my tolerance to kratom increased, so did my tolerance to hydrocodone, even though id only take hydrocodone rarely (once or twice a month). Also kratom is not standardized for potency but in my experience, the tincture was VASTLY stronger than the powder. Sorry to be vague. Anyway, my tolerance increased and I was going through a 20 mil bottle in about 3 days when I ran out of money, roughly 4 months into my kratom experience.

I thought I would be fine but after going a day without, I awoke up to familiar aches and pain and the beginnings of anxious feelings.This got progressively worse and I did not sleep for about 3 days until I went to my doctor and got some temazepam (restoril) 30 mg for sleep. I had to take 3 to feel okay. I had the most terrible fear and anxiety I have ever felt. After 3 days taking about 9-10 temazepam 30 mg per day, I ran out. The symptoms of pain, restlessness, anxiety, profuse sweating, fear of dying and worst of all insomnia, came back with a vengeance.

I went back to my doctor and told him I had bi polar disorder and was having a manic episode brought on by stress. I was desperate for anything and I had taken an antipsychotic drug called seroquel a few years ago when I couldn't sleep and my then doctors thought I might have bi polar disorder, I remembered that it knocked me out harder than any other sedative id ever tried. SO, I told my Doc that I needed seroquel and he got a little weird but then gave me a bunch of physicians samples because I told him I had no insurance.

I took 200 mg to sleep and sleep I did. The seroquel helped all the symptoms and after about 14 solid days I stopped feeling really bad and just felt pretty bad for another 14 days. All in all, the worst and most unexpected detox I've ever gone through. Do not underestimate Kratom tincture.

Many of my friends thought I was full of shit when I compared the tincture to Oxycontin, then I'd dose them up and they would believe me. Please be careful. Note- Doctors aren't as apprehensive about handing out seroquel because it is not considered an abusable substance.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82797
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 23, 2014Views: 10,110
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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