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Certainly an Education
Salvia divinorum (25x extract)
Citation:   Sunny. "Certainly an Education: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (25x extract) (exp82800)". Sep 19, 2019.

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1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Speaking as a guy with some psychedelics experience, this was the first time in a long time that I felt the psychedelics' power again. I have to smile, though there were some early moments of real horror and disorientation, I picked up right where I left off with LSD and mushrooms - a continuation of the lesson the psychedelics hold.

The power of salvia is instantaneous with the inhalation. It got me off my ass quickly. And unlike LSD and mushrooms, the absolute intensity lasted a couple minutes, which for a vet like me is preferable. The hours of the LSD experience serves its purpose, but once you've done that ten-fifteen times, salvia is sweet.

Very powerful. Psychedelics say,'We're here on Earth together.' It may seem a simple statement but it's one which can be said just a little more often.

The psychedelic will try to make me think it is smarter than me. I don't fall for it. I'll say that Salvia, like LSD, mushrooms, weed, alcohol, caffeine and sex, made me know just how tightly packed we are here in our little slice of the Milky Way.

Salvia is saoirse (freedom). It hurts. To be truly free ya have to lead and the finest leaders are often alone, I think. Whole lot more to that story, of course.

Gravity sustains us as a people. Gravity actually keeps us together on this planet. During my Salvia trip I saw a point, much like a black hole has been described, and I imagined that I and everyone else was trying to understand gravity.
During my Salvia trip I saw a point, much like a black hole has been described, and I imagined that I and everyone else was trying to understand gravity.
There are some, I suppose, who in educating themselves about gravity try to defy it, escape it. That's a bit of what my Salvia experience was all about.

These are exciting ideas, I think. Though, escaping gravity May Not be possible, I know there's more to learn and do and see.

With my Salvia trip, I saw my psychedelic evolution. Two decades ago, for a period of four years, psychedelics gave me great, novel ideas about the Universe. The plants were the teachers. Salvia, however, today, was different; the psychedelic isn't the teacher, it's the partner. That's an achievement for which anyone would be proud. I did do most of the work, but I also owe my friends thanks.

Regarding psychedelics and whether they might kill a man, Terence McKenna replied that only by astonishment might one die using psychedelics. Psychedelics veterans and veterans of wars know well the damage astonishment can do, but we're far from alone. Most people, for some stretch, face shock in some manner. I suppose what makes one person different from another is how we react.

Do I turn away from the origin of the astonishment and, if I can, forget and move on? Or should I, as the curious man would, return to the source, analyze it, and determine whether to go further? I'm learning all I can.

Perhaps the toughest part of recovery from a powerful psychedelic experience is... there may be a psychic regression back to your more immature self, when the influence of others, whether it be family, friends, the merciless bullies, etc., returns as the strong, guiding and/or intrusive characters. The sense, after a psychedelic trip, that people are on top of you can haunt.

More on that later, got things to do. It's important to acknowledge that regression to varied degrees is a natural side effect of psychedelics. The brilliance of the lesson requires some sacrifice...

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82800
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Sep 19, 2019Views: 87
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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