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Nothing Was the Same
Citation:   ashroom. "Nothing Was the Same: An Experience with DMT (exp82841)". Apr 13, 2018.

50 mg smoked DMT (freebase)
dmt death

This was my first ever experience with this substance, and I was completely unprepared. After taking 3 good rips off of aluminum foil, I died and entered the spirit world. Upon entering this world, my body was completely deconstructed, ripped apart into molecules. At this point came an awareness that I was now connected to something greater. Not a voice or being, but much like when you plug a computer into the net. I was connected. I remember being terrified the whole time. I decided to walk outside; the yard was a different landscape, which I can not compare to anything in this world. Everything was gold fractals, nothing was the same. The trees, grass or plants just did not exist in this spiritual realm. Everything was geometric and well organized. I was so taken aback by it that I walked back inside the house and laid on my bed, I looked at my limbs and they just did not seem the same. I did not feel alive. I almost did not want to return after seeing what lies beyond life. It is such a beautiful world on the other side. There is so much more to us than just life,death or this world. There are definitely more than one plane of existence.

I came out of it all with a splitting headache that I had the rest of the day. I have never had a trip as profound as this and doubt I ever will. But for however long I was in this trip , I had a glimpse into the spirit world. Perhaps my brain tricked my soul into thinking I was dead. I will never know. More than anything it was a blessing. I have a new found appreciation for life, however I also no longer fear death.

I really believe that I visited another dimension, I know it sounds completely crazy, but this trip made so much sense. I'm still trying to figure it all out.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82841
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 950
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DMT (18) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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