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Methylone & Kava
Citation:   Drafty. "Anti-Comedown: An Experience with Methylone & Kava (exp82906)". Oct 1, 2018.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral Methylone (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   oral Vitamins / Supplements  
  T+ 3:00 5 capsls oral Kava  
Hello, I ordered some pure methylone from a reputable dealer in the UK and it has finally arrived after two weeks of anticipation.

This is my first experience with methylone and I will attempt to give you the time stamped recollection. One thing to note is that I searched for 'comedown aids' on the internet and found that no one has tried to utilize kava kava for the comedown. So I have proceeded to use kava kava as comedown relief. (as well as some multivitamins)

T 0:00 Feel very average, not sad, and not particularly happy. Take 150 mg capsule as well as Omega-3 and a multivitamin. ( I find omega 3 and multivitamins are a good thing to take before any drug intoxication.)

T 0:15 Feel something brewing within, nothing pronounced yet.

T 0:30 Beginning of a change in mood is felt as I listen to good tunes.

T 0:50 Euphoria has definitely began (having never tried MDMA I cannot compare). Interestingly the waves of euphoria are followed by waves of anxiety. Each wave lasting 5-10 minutes approx, these emotions go back and fourth for roughly 25 minutes.

T 1:15 Waves have stopped and a more constant stream of euphoria stays. I feel amazing empathy towards other people in my dorm room playing a video game. I spark up conversations with them on topics that I would not normally talk about.

T 2:00 The peak has worn off and but a slight euphoria remains, a euphoria similar to a first time adderall euphoria. I feel content listening to my music. My feet on the sub feels absolutely incredible, I can feel the waves of energy flow through me.

T 2:30 My dorm mates and I head to eat but I have a very small appetite. I force what I can down, but not too much.

T 3:00 We arrive back at the dorm and I take 5 capsules of kava kava. I'm not sure how much this is but the bottle says a normal serving size is one capsule three times per day. I still feel very content, although I would consider myself at baseline. I enjoy sitting and playing a game on my phone for a bit as I wait for the kava to kick in.

T 4:00 Kava is never too pronounced so I don't feel high from it, but I feel no comedown from the methylone. I fall asleep at T 5:00 without any trouble.

My next day was as normal as any other next day. I took some more omega 3 that morning as well as a multivitamin and I believe my method for methylone intake has worked well. I will try this method again in the future.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82906
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 1, 2018Views: 883
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Kava (30), Methylone (255) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3)

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