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Rave of a Lifetime
Citation:   arange. "Rave of a Lifetime: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp83097)". Nov 21, 2013.

T+ 0:00
1 hit   LSD
  T+ 4:00 75 mg oral MDMA
We started by meeting at the greyhound station in Ottawa. Two friends and I took a bus to Montreal. Once we got there, we met up with three more friends and had a nice vegan dinner. Afterwards we took the Metro (free subway on new years) to the three other's hotel room where we prepared our assorted drugs. I wasn't planning for anything too exotic, so I brought with me one mdma pill, and one booster. In addition, I also took a vitamin C pill there in the hotel room and brought two multi-vitamins for use later. The night before new years and on new years I read up on all the detailed risks of mdma and what to do to help prevent them. There was also a girl that was planning the same thing and had brought the same supplements. I was happy to see that I wasn't crazy about being careful with my body.

Getting to the event was super easy, it was about a 5 minute walk from the hotel. It was also warm outside, so no issue there. Once we got to the event though, you could definitely tell it was sketch. It was definitely used in the past as some sort of warehouse. The bathrooms were a disaster and the hallways were a mess. Later on in the night though, none of this would matter. :)

The event had three rooms, each playing a different style of music. We walked around a bit and got a taste of each room. All of it was very Trancy and exciting, definitely the stuff I like. It wasn't quite the Tiesto-style music I'm used to, it was more HHC and up-beat, but still very cool, and especially fitting for the things that would occur later in the night. The dancing and music was so great, all the people there having a great time, I definitely saw why raves are so loved by many.

At around 1am (the thing started at 10pm), My original two friends and I took a hit of acid. I wasn't planning on taking it, but since we were going to be there for 14 hours, I figured I'd start off with something I had done in the past and knew what to expect. About an hour later it kicked in. This was a *very* *very* different experience from the first time I tried it. Being that there were hundreds of other people dancing and jumping to the beat, it was so easy to connect with others. It felt so right. It was so great, everything was perfect, I couldn't have been more excited.

As the night progressed, 2-3 hours later, my hit was still going intensely. Something I noticed though was that the crowd was changing. Though I expected many people to have taken E, I didn't realize that *just about everyone* did. This is where things really change you. The scene quickly turned from 100 strangers dancing solo, to 100 strangers dancing together, smiling and hugging each other. I have never in my life seen so much happiness expressed so openly. If someone would so much as nudge you in the slightest way you'd both look at each other and hug each other in apology. 'Oh I'm so sorry to have stepped on you', 'Don't worry about it!! You're looking so great today!', 'Thank you! What great music!', 'yaaaay'. Everyone put aside their differences and just embraced each other. It's so often that you see people dressed and normally acting like ego-filled thugs become so vulnerable. It was absolutely unbelievable, I was almost in tears watching it happen.

Note that while that happened, I was still on acid, though it was starting to finish up. I didn't share the same feelings as the others since I hadn't taken my mdma yet, though just observing all the love was life-changing. The paranoia associated with acid started to somewhat kick in for me and I was starting to feel out of place. There was so much love in the room, but I didn't feel too much aside from the way I normally felt. It being almost exactly 5am, I went to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall and went through my pocket to take out my package for the night, two pills with mdma and two multi-vitamins. I took the 75mg (the large one) of mdma and left the other three pills for later. It felt weird, my hands were shaking, all I could think to myself was 'oh wow, two crazy drugs in one night, I must be insane, I guess this is what it feels like to be out of control'. That was probably the paranoia of the acid talking, but it definitely felt like a scene in a movie where you have the druggy taking pills and is unsure about it. Down the hatch it went and ~30 minutes to go.

On my way back to my favorite room, I walked through the halls and made a very clear observation. It now become amazingly obvious why raves' themes always have to do with aliens, zombies and some sort or invasion. Everyone is completely out of their minds. People are walking very slowly, looking in the wrong direction, not able to understand anything. Random moans and grunts are coming from people walking through the halls. If you've ever wondered what a zombie would act like, this is it. I remember thinking to myself at this point that it would be absolutely hilarious for someone not under the influence of anything to walk through these halls, they'd probably die of laughter.

I got back to the dance floor and it's a completely different atmosphere there. Everyone's dancing to the beat of the music and loving each other. At one point, the DJ screwed up and had some silence in his music. You could instantly notice everyone (including myself) get very very upset. This music was the lifeblood of the event, if it stops for even a second, people start having bad trips and all hell breaks loose. It was at this point that I was imagining, if cops showed up to break up this event, they'd have to be complete idiots. Not only would nobody be able to find their way out, but they'd walk so slowly and be so out of their minds, that nothing would work. This is aside from the anger everyone would be in. Only the most inexperienced of cops would ever shut down a rave, it would be a complete and utter disaster to stop the music. It's very clear that at a rave, all you can do is dance. If you're alone going to do anything as simple as going to the bathroom, you'll be completely mindless. It felt so weird, but amazing at the same time.

About 30 minutes had gone by and I started to feel the mdma kick in. It was right on time because I was starting to feel pretty weak after having already been dancing for 7 hours. It wasn't as many say all once of a sudden and be unhandleable. It was very calm but apparent. I could feel myself suddenly sweating more, getting a ton of energy and moving around a lot more. I started staring at more people in the eyes and myself, too, over-apologizing at the slightest touch of somebody else. I was out of control and I loved it.

I was so amazingly happy. It was at this point I met up with a girl that I had dinner with that also took the mdma. Though I'm usually very awkward around women, I was really open and happy with her. She slipped a glowstick off her hand and gave it to me. I tried putting it on, but of course it wouldn't fit. So I unplugged it and made it and tried wrapping it around my hand. I couldn't get it to close since it's normally a two-hand operation to put it back together. This was probably the plan of the company that made it because, lo and behold, what a convenient time to ask her for her help putting it on. I didn't hesitate for a second in asking for her help (normally I'd be iffy about asking because I'm weird like that), and she didn't hesitate for a second in helping. Her hands touching mine felt amazing. Everyone says E has a way of making you enjoy touching yourself and others, but I had no idea how much. This felt amazing! After multiple attempts we finally got it back together and we danced together for another ~30 minutes. I even got her number, though it was tricky since cellphones are pretty much banned from raves. A fellow raver let me know in the nicest way she could (you can tell she really didn't want me to feel bad), but I totally approve of the protocol. You go there to dance, not pick people up, that's what makes a rave a rave: there's no lame tricks involved or mind games involved with 'picking up' other people, this isn't about sex or going over to other people's places afterwards, you just dance and have fun, and the simplicity of the whole thing is what makes it so awesome for me. The girl I was with insisted on giving me her number anyways, so we went to the back of the room and hid from everyone and I wrote it down. I doubt I'll call back being that I'm not from town and that an e-altered mind's judgement of 'this could really work out' likely couldn't be further from the truth, though it felt great for both of us to have someone else to dance and have fun with that night. Maybe I should call her, I don't know. Once she left, I kept dancing along, on the spot for hours. It just felt so good. There's no need to get creative in the dancing either. Just moving on the spot could be fun for hours

I had very noticeably started running out of energy. I went to the bathroom again and looked in my pocket, noticing that I had three pills left, the 25mg mdma booster, and the two multi-vitamins. Looking at the booster, I just laughed and took the multi-vitamins. It'll need to wait for another day, I was still on my E high (and some acid too), though I wasn't looking for more, I just wanted to keep enjoying what I had and collapse and go to sleep eventually some time.

I went back to the dance floor and kept going. It was interesting to see the types of people that went to different rooms. The fast HHC music mostly had E people, the slower music had mostly Acid people from what I saw. You could really tell that that music was almost designed after how people trips went. Mixing the right music is a real skill and I'm happy the event picked good DJs. One of the DJs (Azax Syndrom) did a whole story with his music. It was obviously alien-themed, though it had very good production value. The sound effects and music fit together really well. I felt like we were taking over Earth, once crazy fast-beat dance at a time.

It was about 10am and by that point I was starting to get insanely tired. I went back to the Acid room and found my friends there dancing it up still. I sat down on one of the chairs and started to pass out. I was really really tired, though still somewhat energized from the remains of my mdma trip. They too were getting quite worn out, so we decided to head off. Once we got out, I found it funny one of my friends pulled out her sunglasses, fully expecting the sun reflecting off the bright white Canadian snow to be a bother. You can always spot the experienced ravers. :) We did a quick walk to the local Metro and took the subway to our bus station. On the subway I actually got quite awake and we discussed everything that had happened. I was super happy the entire ride long, and was definitely a lot funnier and talkative than usual. It felt so good. I was so happy to be around other people.

We eventually got to the bus station and grabbed the next bus to Ottawa. Once I sat down I literally collapsed on the chair and fell asleep for the 2 hour ride. We eventually arrived, I said bye and got a ride from my dad home. I didn't have messed up eyes or act weirdly, though I was exceptionally nicer than usual and got into a lengthy conversation about a car's clutch system. He might have caught on that I was on something, being that I was much more open and excited than usually, though I didn't tell him about any of the drugs, just that I was dancing for a while. Nothing wrong with that! Something I should note is that for some reason talking to other people really energized me, though when standing around not communicating with others, I quickly started feeling tired.

Once I got home, I took a shower, barely able to stand up, and went to sleep. I woke up 4 hours later, grabbed something to eat, though was still not able to do much. I watched some tv with the folks, though again, very talkative and nice but not productive. I went to sleep again last night and woke up today. I still feel that something went on, but I'm getting more productive and able to do stuff now. Also I should note that when talking to people, I pay more attention to being nicer to them now, and try to keep any negative comments I'd have normally said to a minimum. I hope that stays.

Overall, this definitely had to be the most exciting and mind-blowing (literally!) experience I've ever had. I could not have been happier about the entire experience and don't regret anything. Maybe I should have taken the mdma before the acid, but regardless, I'm happy I took them both to see both perspectives. In general, I'd say that because I was good about it and didn't let it take over my emotions too much, and most importantly, I remained in control, I had the time of my life. I can't wait to do it again, though I'll likely wait another 1-2 months before I go again. Taking these drugs can be safe (though of course not 100%), but it sure is safer than the shit that happens when people get drunk or smoke their lungs out. I'm so happy I did this. Welcome 2010. Oh and did I mention I didn't drink a drop of alcohol on new years? :)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83097
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 21, 2013Views: 5,937
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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