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One of the Best Nights of My Life, Period
by HZ
Citation:   HZ. "One of the Best Nights of My Life, Period: An Experience with MDMA (exp83099)". Jan 3, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis
  T+ 2:40 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 5:30 1 capsl oral MDMA
  T+ 7:30   smoked Cannabis
T+ 0:00: 2 grams – smoked – Cannabis (plant material)
T+ 2:40: 1 tablet – oral – MDMA (pill/tablet)
T+ 5:30: 1 molly – oral – MDMA (capsule)
T+ 12:00: 2 grams – smoked – Cannabis (plant material)

Friends: A, B, C, D, J, M, S, and Y

Before starting, it’s worth mentioning that pretty much everyone, except S had tried MDMA before this experience. So S was definitely in for a hell of a night.

This is my account of how we celebrated New Years Eve, which was easily one of the best nights of my life.

We planned this event way ahead of time, in order to ensure that there wouldn’t be any last minute issues. And I have to say that we did a really good job at it. So basically our plan was to go to a nightclub, which was hosting an all night event (9 pm – 9 am) and pop some MDMA throughout the night (both ‘ecstasy’ and ‘molly’). Since three of my friends lived in another part of the city, we decided to meet up somewhere downtown and then head over towards the nightclub. Also, it’s definitely worth mentioning that we prepared well for this event by eating right (foods rich in protein) and getting appropriate rest.

8:30 PM
As a tradition, we rolled a nice pre-session joint. It had approximately 2 grams of some nice juicy fruit bud (easily one of the best strains). The joint set a pretty relaxed atmosphere amongst us and we were off.

10:30 PM
Downtown. Waiting for the other three friends to arrive.

11:10 PM
Friends arrive, everyone’s here and all set. Since there were only 50 minutes left until the countdown, we decided to pop one right away. A and S didn’t plan on taking ecstasy and took a molly each, while the rest of us popped a double stacked blue ecstasy pill with an LG logo each, with the exception of B, who had a triple stacked pill.

11:20 PM
We are inside the nightclub. Since this nightclub is a complex (multiple nightclubs combined), we decided to go and take a look around. Once we had familiarized ourselves with the layout (few of us were already familiar with it), we decided to go to the main room for the countdown – big mistake.

11:59 PM
The countdown is about to begin. Neither of us is feeling anything yet. Nightclub is overcrowded. People are almost being squashed together. So we patiently waited for the countdown to finish. Once done, we headed down to a smaller, but decently crowded room, where we could finally breathe (no exaggeration).

12:15 AM
B and I start to feel something. Not intense at all, but definitely feeling something. The rest are still in a relaxed mood, enjoying the progressive house music.

12:45 AM
B and I are definitely feeling it now. I go around and curiously start asking C, D, J, M and Y if they are feeling anything at all, but their reply is “nah, not yet”.

1:15 AM
B and I are definitely peaking, no doubt about that. The DJ was playing some relatively slow music than what is optimal during the peak experience, but still, the beat transitions and bass lines were simply fantastic. My eyes were closed half the time, most of my sensing being through my ears. Head bopping to the beat, can’t stop, won’t stop. D, J, M and Y are feeling a bit, but nothing close to what B and I were going through. C was literally not feeling anything, you could definitely tell.

2:00 AM
B and I are still peaking (maybe plateau, but intense, nonetheless). A and S also start feeling it now and decide to chill in the lounge area. The rest are sort of disappointed in the quality of the ecstasy pill that they had, so they decide to pop a molly each. Its understandable considering the fact that B and I were simply unstoppable. B and I also pop one molly each.

3:00 AM
Finally, the moment we all were waiting for. Every single one of us is in seventh heaven. We head out to the main room where the crowd has certainly died a bit since the countdown. From this point on, time flew. It was truly one of the best-case scenarios. The DJ was playing electro house with a peak and drop every 5-10 minutes. And the best part was that the peaks and transitions were so predictable that we knew exactly when to jump, throw our hands in the air and just let go. We bought glow sticks and started raving (a must). C had some decent skills with the sticks, while most of us were just free-styling to the beat. The lights were simply incredible. Rave-style lights during progression, strobe lights during peaks and smoke during transitions - honestly, just can’t get better than that.

5:00 AM
We decide to take a much-needed break. We did take a few breaks throughout the night, but they weren’t as necessary as this one. If only you could measure how much fun one has by the amount of sweat on his/her clothes. T-shirt and shirt, both, soaked wet. This break was such a pleasant experience. We could finally talk to each other without having to yell and just relax for a bit. This is not to say that we were not as pumped. There was almost like a metronome our heads, the beat just wont stop. But that break certainly helped a lot. After about 10-15 minutes in the tent outside, we decide to go back in.

6:00 AM
S lights up a joint right in the middle of the dance floor and we end up blazing it – no problems. Approximately half the people were smoking something (cigarettes, joints, blunts, etc.) and just having a good time. But the world isn’t perfect. There were a few unpleasant incidents involving people fighting, but they were minor and were taken care of. As a rule, whenever we saw a fight, we left the scene instantaneously. Simply because “we ain’t comin’ here to beef with no body, we came to party!” (Marshall Mathers aka Eminem, 2006).

7:00 AM
Things are finally starting to slow down a bit. Dance floor is sparsely crowded. Pretty much every single one of us is tired. So we decide to chill for another 15 minutes and then leave for home to get a much-needed sleep.

8:30 AM
We light up a nice post-session joint and depart back to our respective homes.

End of story.

One of the most amazing things about mollies is that there is no comedown. The transition to a sober state of mind is so subtle that I don’t even realize when it happens and I'm simply left smiling with an afterglow.

Even though the pills weren’t as effective for most of us, the mollies made up for them and the end result was a night that we will always consider to be as one of the best nights of our lives, period.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 83099
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 3, 2021Views: 799
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MDMA (3) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Glowing Experiences (4)

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