The Most Intense Feeling I Had Ever Felt
Citation:   noisewontstop91. "The Most Intense Feeling I Had Ever Felt: An Experience with MDMA (exp83278)". Nov 1, 2018.

500 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The doses described in this report are potentially life threatening. The amount taken is beyond a heavy dose and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Doses such as this have been known to cause hospitalizations and/or deaths. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Crystal Rush

Before taking mdma I had smoked a fair bit of weed, taken cocaine on a few occasions and experimented with solvents though nothing came close to my first proper mdma experience.

It was school holidays and me and my best mate had managed to get ourselves a gram of what must have been nearly pure mdma which we were pretty excited about taking. We were in my brothers room which held many good memories for the pair of us and we were in good spirits but also nervous with butterflies. My brother was present though not taking any.

Me and my mate had prepared a rizla bomb in which we were going to swallow our 1/2 gram dose each just before my brother interrupted and told us that if we wanted to experience the drug as it was meant to be experienced then we should snort it. My bro being more experienced in drugs than I was so we decided to take his advise. Anxiously I poured the contents of our wrap onto a desk and used an oyster card to chop up the greyish crystals into a fine powder. In front of me was two largish looking lines, one for me and one for my mate. I went first. Fuck I was nervous. But fuck It I lent forward and snorted it in one. Holy shit by the time my head turned around to face my audience I was mashed beyond belief. I must have come up in about 3 seconds. This was the most intense feeling I had ever felt and it was beautiful. Every problem in my life was gone and the world was PERFECT...just perfect. My mate stared at me to see what I was feeling, all I could say was “mate take it just take it, ohh my god this amazing” before drifting off into a frenzy of exctatic moans. He took it and was instantly brought onto a level with me.

My bro put on some music that he knew sounded particularly brilliant while rolling. I cant emphasise enough how good the music sounded. The best way I can describe it is as if every note of the song was bouncing into my head and through my soul, the music was coming from within me. It was much louder and clearer than normal. While the music played I lay on the bed rubbing the quilt and running my fingers through my mates hair. All of a sudden I realised how grateful I was to my brother for playing this music for us and for generally how much I loved him. I hugged him and that felt great. I told him I was very fond of him (which I would never normally do). Then I hugged my mate and told him how good of a friend he was. The rest of the night I spent chattting contently with my mate and listening to the music and absorbing the whole experience.

We vowed to do no other drug but mdma and always snort it because it was so good. As we gradually came down I became aware of my jaw really hurting from gurning. I found it hard to sleep that night. The next day I felt like a new person, my outlook on life had changed. Over the course of the next year we took mdma almost every weekend. My tolerance was sky high and the buzz was getting shitter. I have now not touched any drugs (because of my job who test regularly) for nearly a year, but I know when I leave this job someday I am going to relive that day I snorted mdma for the first time.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 83278
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 1, 2018Views: 981
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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