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Subsiding the Pain of a PInched Nerve
Tizanidine & Ketoprofen
Citation:   Wicca Princess. "Subsiding the Pain of a PInched Nerve: An Experience with Tizanidine & Ketoprofen (exp83302)". Sep 12, 2017.

4 mg oral Tizanidine
  1 tablet oral Pharmaceuticals
To say I was suffering, would be an insensitive understatement. I have a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder or what my doctor called Cervical Radiculopathy. Nice to know it has a name, all I knew is that hurt like hell and this was my second bout with it in a year.

The doctor prescribed me Tizanidine which is a generic form of muscle relaxant to relax the shoulder and Ketoprofen to stop the inflammation.

So about bedtime I popped both pills.

T+ 1 hour-nada.
T+ 2 hours - I’m relaxed, but am not experiencing the so-called dizziness, no sleepiness, just relaxation. Shoulder is still tender, but not painful. And my mind is clear enough to run a marathon. Shame my body isn’t up for it, it’s simply to relaxed. But I’m not in pain, so I can get some sleep. Lights out!!

Conclusion: The two drugs together are good for pain relief, but not much else.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 83302
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: Sep 12, 2017Views: 7,446
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Tizanidine (726) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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