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Better Than Morphine, Not as Good as Good
Opioids - Dihydromorphine
Citation:   Sean2of6. "Better Than Morphine, Not as Good as Good: An Experience with Opioids - Dihydromorphine (exp83422)". Erowid.org. Feb 5, 2023. erowid.org/exp/83422

45 mg IV Opioids
Dihydromorphine is a highly desirable and fairly common drug in the Czech Republic, where it is known as 'brown' in Australia the same preparation is known as 'home-bake'. DHM is usually produced in small scale clandestine 'kitchens' which are usually the home of the cooker. Dihydromorphine (brown) comes from two sources: dihydrocodeine (DHC) and codeine. In the case of the latter, the codeine is first extracted and then converted to dihydrocodeine using activated palladium. The active palladium comes from a substance called Palergan (R) which is used in dentistry (for fillings). Palergan is dissolved in a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids, yielding active Palladium. The activated palladium, when mixed with codeine, reduces the double bond between carbons 7 and 8 resulting in the production of DHC. DHC can then easily be converted to DHM, although I don't think I should say how that is done here.

I am an experienced opiate user and also completely addicted to opiates. I have used DHM/brown many times and I find it to be one of the nicest opiate highs that exist. The rush experienced from injecting DHM intravenously is longer and more pleasurable, but not really stronger, when compared with an IV injection of morphine SO4 at the same dose. It is not really stronger than morphine, but the rush and subsequent 'high' experienced are qualitatively different, and better. In addition, there is no 'pins-and-needles' effect with DHM like there is with morphine. This is the most important reason that it is considered superior to morphine. I take anywhere from 30 to 60 Mg's per injection, but I am an experienced user and I think a beginner would want to start with 10 to 15 Mg's max, especially if they are not opioid-tolerant. The high lasts about 5 to 7 hours, just like morphine in this regard, and if you are addicted to opiates you will begin to have withdrawal symptoms in about 8 hours (or less if a small dose is taken).

However, in my opinion (as well as that of most people I know) the pleasure of the rush from DHM is not quite as great as that of Hydromorphone (dilaudid) or oxycodone (Oxycontin), the later of which has an extremely nice, slow to build up rush. However, I would say that the subsequent high is actually a little better than that of hydromorphone, and about equal to (but different from) oxycodone (IV). Of course, good heroin or fentanyl ('white heroin') is better than all of the above.

In summary, I would say that DHM is a very enjoyable opiate drug to use IV. It is slightly stronger than morphine when taken I.V. but it has a considerably more pleasant rush.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83422
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Feb 5, 2023Views: 358
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