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Vine-only, Low Dose, Medium Dose
Citation:   NexusAya. "Vine-only, Low Dose, Medium Dose: An Experience with Ayahuasca (exp83460)". Jun 29, 2021.

  oral Banisteriopsis caapi (tea)
    oral Ayahuasca (tea)
This report includes – a Vine only brew, a low dose Nexus brew and a medium dose Nexus brew. Sufficient material was not yet available for a high dose Nexus brew.

Note: Nexus here refers to a Psychotria “Nexus” hybrid developed by [vendor].

Part 1 Vine only brew

Dose: Vine – 175g fresh weight = 100ml.

Time and experience:

5.30pm - Ate chicken pasta, 2 slices of bread, apple and water.

7.45pm – Started meditating.

7.55pm – Drank Vine, alternated between meditation and playing the Dan Moi.

8.25pm – Shift. Sudden shift in consciousness while meditating.

8.30pm – Purge. Had a walk around to gauge the effects better and was overwhelmed with nausea. Vision was blurry and experiencing vertical lines of light when exposed to a bright room. Tried to purge but there was no release.

8.40pm – Dizzy. Lay back down and tried to purge again. Started to feel an intense spinning sensation that lasted for around 5 minutes.

8.50pm – Waves. Gentle relaxing period lasted for around 5 minutes. Intense waves started to go through my body that was in time with my pulse.

9.00pm – Twitches. The heavy body load is now gone but I still feel nauseous. Continued to lie down. Started to get minor twitches.

9.10pm – Sleep. Rolled over and went to sleep.

1.20am – Woke up. Still a little dizzy. Went back to sleep.

8.00am – Woke up. Still dizzy.

9.00am – Dizziness gone.

Part 2 Low dose Nexus brew

One week later.

Dose: Vine – 175g fresh weight + 16g dry “Nexus” = 100ml brew

Time and experience:

4.00pm – Ate spaghetti and meat balls.

6.00pm – Drank water.

7.55pm – Started mediating.

8.10pm - Drank Aya, alternated between meditating and playing the Dan Moi.

8.45pm – Slight shift.

9.00pm – Minor open eye visuals

9.15pm - Close eye visuals. Blue and green phosphorescent shapes. No nausea.

10.30pm – Lightly tripping, laughing, happy.

11.00pm - Tried to sleep but can’t. Experienced confrontational introspection. Hear the Aya haunting sounds inside my head but I am imagining it.

1.00am – Starting to ware off.

2.00am – Went to sleep.

8.00am – Woke up feeling great.

Part 3 Medium dose Nexus brew

Four days later.

Dose: Vine – 175g fresh weight + 30g dry “Nexus” = 100ml brew

Time and experience:

8.00am – Ate 4 Weetbix

10.15am Started meditating.

10.32am - Drank Aya, alternated between meditating and playing the Dan Moi.

10.50am – Got a strong sense of the Aya smell.

11.10am – Got a strong sense of the DMT smell.

11.30am – Lightly tripping.

12.30pm – Open eye visuals, opalescent rainbow hues over everything. I can hear the haunting Aya sounds. Experienced calm introspective, no nausea.

1.00pm – Visuals stopped though still lightly tripping and introspective.

6.00pm – Can still feel the effects of the Aya. Ate some mushies and smoked changa. The Aya seemed to maintain some control over the mushies and low dose changa. High dose changa produced a crazy trip as always.

Notes: Over all “Nexus” seems to produce a very clean, friendly, refreshing trip. I look forward to my “Nexus” plant producing a heap of material so I can experiment further with a high dose.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jun 29, 2021Views: 980
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Meditation (128), Banisteriopsis caapi (169), Ayahuasca (8) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3), General (1)

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