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Childhood Flashback
by jkj
Citation:   jkj. "Childhood Flashback: An Experience with Cannabis (exp83502)". Jul 9, 2019.

1 hit smoked Cannabis
I had been smoking pot for about 3 or 4 months, and until then, I had never hit from a gravity bong. I'm a recovering Bulimic, so I weigh very very little. So this was good shit, it was headies. I take a monster hit off of the gravity bong, and I didn't exhale all of it. So I start coughing, a lot. I start to get dizzy from lack of oxygen. At this time I started thinking I was blacking out, but in reality I was just blinking. I start freaking out majorly, thinking I'm going to die. My friends, and the guy who bought the pot for me, help me onto a mattress, and things become very weird.

The room I was in, very slightly resembled my bedroom from when I was a small child, like 3. Instead of thinking, my brain told me this WAS the room I lived in when I was 3, and I began to think I was 3.
Instead of thinking, my brain told me this WAS the room I lived in when I was 3, and I began to think I was 3.
I realized around this time I was shaking very very violently. Things were moving, the world was tilting. I start to close my eyes, so I don't get dizzier than I was. When I closed my eyes, it was like a dream I had when I was 3. I kept having all these random memories come to life for me. The guy who wanted to spend time with me, came and brought me water, knowing I more than likely had dry mouth. I couldn't hold up the water cup, because I was shaking so much. The water went EVERYWHERE, and I started laughing hysterically. Things kept changing color for me, it was so pretty and trippy. Then I realized, I smoked way too much and I was tripping. I felt like I was living inside a dream, and time had just slowed down. Minutes turned to hours.

Looking back, I would get that high again. Now that I know what to expect.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83502
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 626
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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