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Always the Entities
Citation:   tronned. "Always the Entities: An Experience with DMT (exp83514)". Feb 29, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 bowl smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Prior to this experience I had experienced about four low dose trips on DMT and generally found the effects pleasurable. Usually I would experience an intense body high with lsd like visuals (although they were quite unique). One time with my eyes closed I saw a beautiful godess/lady with her hair blowing in the wind, that was the strongest experience up until this.
After testing the waters on the lower dosages I was determined to have a breakthrough trip.

Well, one day my friend was over and we decided to take some bong rips of DMT. I had tried it out of a pipe before, once out of a lightbulb, and out of a vaporizer (tweak pipe) but never a bong.

I had a little bit of the stuff left , I’m guessing about 50 or so milligrams because it was about half of the baggie that had been sold to me as a point. The crystals were of the orange variety.

I proceeded to pack a bowl of some weed and placed the crystals on top, then put a tiny bit more weed on top in order to not burn the shit.

I then lit up and took a fat rip knowing full well that I was in for a mindfuck and a half.
Although I knew DMT smoke was pretty harsh, for some reason this time it hurt more than usual. I hacked up a lung and looked around and almost immediately the world around started vibrating and flowing like I had never seen before. The visuals had a quality and realness that I have never seen before on any psychedelic. Imagine if everything you saw was covered in the most utterly complex winding snaking swirling patterns. It looked like everything was made of double helixs in the brightest of colors. I tried to take this all but i felt a little confused at that point. At that point I remember saying something…probably pretty unintelligibly to my friend. I decided to try and relax so I laid down and looked at my ceiling.

It was at that moment that I encountered the entities that DMT is famed for. As clearly as I see this computer in front of me I saw above me 4 or maybe more figures that I could only describe as alien like. They were all looking down and towering over me so I could only see them, communicating maybe. It felt as if I was connected to them by some system of tentacles. I remember wondering what they were doing to me. It was as if they were me, and I was them. Our bodies were joined for some purpose by a network of tubes, i felt a tremendous amount of energy running through me.

I slowly came back to baseline and was just in awe of the whole experience. It was rather intense and I was a little anxious at the start of the trip but after I relaxed a little it was manageable. I don’t know if I would do this dose again any time soon as I got what I wanted out of that trip and don’t really feel like I need to do it again, also my asthmatic lungs don’t like the smoke. All in all it wasn't too life changing of an experience for me, but man did I see some crazy stuff.

Occasionally though I find myself thinking back to my otherworldly encounter and wonder what it could have meant. i feel as if my mind is ill equipped to comprehend such things

DMT is certainly an interesting substance.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83514
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 29, 2020Views: 861
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DMT (18) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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