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Tolerance Not Like Marijuana
Serenity Now (smoking blend)
Citation:   Theserenityman. "Tolerance Not Like Marijuana: An Experience with Serenity Now (smoking blend) (exp83522)". May 10, 2010.

0.25 g smoked Products - Other Cannabis-Like Smoking Blends
Well I've been smoking Serenity Now for like a half a year because of substance abuse classes that are court ordered. Well its just as good as marijuana but you get a tolerance quick to the stuff. Don't get me wrong I love the stuff, good head and body high and it doesn't show up in a drug test. I wonder how long it will be until it is made illegal.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 10, 2010Views: 8,525
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Products - Other Cannabis-Like Smoking Blends (485) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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