Beach Glory trip
Morning Glory
Citation:   Lucifer Sam . "Beach Glory trip: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp83574)". Sep 20, 2018.

14 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  2 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
My dabbling with morning glory began about a year prior to this experience, these prior trips however were much less intense I think compared to the 3 times I took 14 grams of morning glory.

My morning glory story begins with me getting in trouble with my school for planning to drink a morning glory extract tea at school, furnishing a controlled a substance. A kind of exotic thing to be in trouble for, but that is a lengthy story in itself.
Despite being suspended for a week with pending expulsion, I was still determined to trip on morning glory. They had taken my tea after all. I however, had another pack of seeds. Each weighed 14 grams untreated. I ground them up painstakingly with a peppermill at my house the night before. I was staying at my parents work on alternating days, my dad, was a professor at a school with a beautiful beach campus. Around 10:30 a.m., I took a back trail through the beach trails and told my dad I was going down to the cliffs.

I pulled out my large bag of ground seed and poured it into my mouth from a creased piece of paper. I chased it down with orange juice, hoping the acidity would help neutralize the nausea and break down the seeds quicker.
I meandered down the beach cliffs through the trails of sandstone bluffs and took the rope down the cliff to the bottom. I was trying to either hit a bowl or bum a grit from a local hippie down on the beach. No bowl was found, I did however, manage to bum two American Spirit cigarettes.

I found a cozy, shady spot under the unstable cliffs, a little nervous as to whether they would collapse. I smoked on grit, and I soon began to to feel the morning glory. I felt stoned almost, more slower, tired-er, groggier.

I started smoking the second grit, it had now been about 45 minutes since I ate them and my stomach felt bloated and churning. I prided myself on my strong stomach however and held it down. I soon began meandering back up the cliffs, which took a bit of effort, as I began to feel the strangely familiar psychedelic slowing of my brain and body.

I went to the student store and purchased a bag of potato chips, I ate them but they really didnt want to go down. I found myself deeply regretting eating the seeds as my stomach was cramping. I went to my dads class where he was teaching about insects and I soon noticed familiar lsd visuals. I tend to see baseline patterns of psychedelic lettering and shingled symmetrical patterns. I was interested in his class and how deep they got into insect mechanics and exactly how different insects wings worked. My stomach was getting very upset at this point; about 1:45 minutes in. I left his class to attempt to vomit, I 'threw-up', but it contained no food, just orange juice and water, as I did not eat much. I soon started to feel better and my dad went to host a 2 hour exam for his students.

I went into my dads office and began reading A Tale of Two Cities for my english homework. I then began reading Catch-22, one of my most favorite books and it was my first time reading it. I was immersed in the characters and the genius development and irony in the book. I watched archaic patterns of aztec hieroglyphs and beautiful geometric and letter patterns all along the carpets and walls. I walked back and forth between the bathroom, feeling euphoric as hell and continually having to pee? morning glory shrinks my bladder I suppose. I tripped for about 11-13 hours. I did however retain my sanity. I would go into more detail but I feel that this story has been long enough.

good vibes, lucifer sam

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 83574
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Sep 20, 2018Views: 729
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Various (28)

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