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Simply Too Much
Citation:   Chrondor. "Simply Too Much: An Experience with Cannabis (exp83624)". May 6, 2018.

  repeated oral Cannabis (edible / food)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
A kind patron of the arts brought my band a sheet of cookies and a sheet of brownies both made with cannabutter to eat while recording a song. I hadn't eaten anything that day, and very little the day before, so I ate half of the cookies, and half of the brownies. The two batches of baked good had been made with 1 lb of cannabutter total, and each lb of cannabutter contained 1/4lb of trim, so I effectively ate somewhere in the range of an eighth of a pound of pot within the span of a few hours.

Long story very short, my world was spinning non-stop, I felt very very nauseous (a few dry heaves but no vomiting) and I was capable of sleeping absolutely anywhere (and oh boy, did I sleep). Smoked a few bowls, and I was just thrown over the edge. Band recorded the whole damn song without me, and I didn't even remember what it sounded like in the morning.

On the whole, not really suggestible if productivity is in mind. It was sort of fun, albeit, incredibly intense and a day down the drain (and I do mean the whole, 24 hour day).

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83624
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 6, 2018Views: 864
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Cannabis (1) : Overdose (29), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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