Blue Lotus & Some Combinations
Blue Lotus, Alcohol, GHV
Citation:   Renwick. "Blue Lotus & Some Combinations: An Experience with Blue Lotus, Alcohol, GHV (exp8370)". Oct 28, 2001.

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5.0 g oral Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (tea)
It is currently 8:49; four minutes ago I drank a tea made out of 5 grams of Blue Lilly. Ten minutes prior to drinking the tea I had smoked a bowl of the dried Lilly flowers. The effects of the Lilly come on fast after smoking the flowers. A mild euphoria and sedation similar to opium but much more mild are present. However, I am not sleepy just feeling lazy and without motivation to move.

Unlike opium there is a strong degree of sensory enhancement similar to MDMA. Unlike MDMA however there are no empathic feeling present during the intoxication. Smoking the flowers makes the effects come on quicker and stronger than the tea however the effects of the tea last longer. I would like to put some music on however I have to force myself to do so.

I finally manage to beat the inertia and put on a CD by Dead can Dance. The music sounds wonderful. The sound is different but hard to describe, more 'whole' sounding. I think now would be a good time for a glass of wine. Alcohol seems to have a special synergy with the Blue Lilly. Alcohol and Lilly in combination seem to have more empathogenic effects than either taken alone. After drinking alcohol the effects change from an opiate like intoxication to a sedated MDMA-like euphoria. The drunkenness produced by alcohol is also increased by the Lilly. The over-all effect of this combination is a narcotic empathogenic experience.

Taking the Lilly by itself has a definite, beneficial effect on meditation from my previous experiences. The effects of the Lilly in conjunction with alcohol however are much more conductive to talking and discussing ideas than meditation. This makes the Lilly an extremely versatile plant for use during magical rites. If one is doing a ritual alone then they could take the Lotus without mixing it with anything, increasing their focus on the ritual at hand. If a group ritual is being performed taking Lilly and alcohol simultaneously could increase the synergy of the groups members.

It is hard for me to keep the paragraphs of this report flowing and on track. My mind keeps jumping around if I try to focus too much. Although, I find it easy to silence my mind by using simple meditation techniques. I am going to get up to get a glass of wine. The wine tastes much better tonight than it does while sober. The flavor of food is also increased but I have lost my appetite completely. Lilly decreases my appetite even after smoking marijuana. Marijuana and Blue Lilly have relatively little synergy other than that however. Even though I normally prefer marijuana to alcohol, while on the Lilly alcohol is far superior. I can feel my thoughts slowing as the effects of the wine mingle with the Lilly's intoxication. My brain is drifting.

Other substances that combine well with the Lilly include 4-methyl-GHB and Valium, which provide a similar intoxication to the alcohol - Lilly combination. I have experienced closed eye patterning after taking the Lilly with 4-methyl-GHB, but otherwise Lilly does not cause visions when taken alone. Lilly can also be beneficial during a mushroom or LSD trip to ease anxiety. MDMA covers most of the effects of the Lilly and has little extra benefit if taken at the same time. I have considered smoking Blue Lilly at the tail end of an MDMA experience to see if it would bring back the effects of the MDMA, I have not done this yet though. Nitrous Oxide is definitely potentiated by the Lilly and it is much easier to bring back insights from the nitrous realm if you are already under the effects of the Lilly.

My sense of time is highly distorted, it seems as though time is moving at about 1/4 speed. I barely realized that an hour had passed. It seemed like just a few minutes. The intoxication provided by the Lilly and alcohol in now very MDMA-like. I have experienced a deep bonding to a friend of mine on this combination before. He could barely tell the difference between the intoxication provided by the combination and the intoxication provided by alcohol alone. However he had never done MDMA, which does itself bare a striking similarity to alcohol intoxication. That night he ended up giving me a ring (which has a small band which spins around the center so you can play with it if you are anxious or worried), which an ex-girlfriend of his had given him because I was going through a bunch of stuff at that time, and he said I needed it more than he did. The ring and the night I shared with my friend have become very special to me.

It is now ten o'clock and I am getting bored with writing and am thinking about heading off to sleep. Even though the Lilly intoxication will still be going strong for another couple of hours, I have had a long day and need my sleep. I hope you have all enjoyed this experience report and found it informative.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8370
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2001Views: 35,682
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Nitrous Oxide (40), GHV (213), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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