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Helped Give Me Energy and Socialize
Kola Nut & Alcohol
Citation:   roaring. "Helped Give Me Energy and Socialize: An Experience with Kola Nut & Alcohol (exp83720)". Feb 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 Tbsp oral Kola Nut
  T+ 3:50 2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol
Good Experience

A couple of weeks ago I bought 100 grams of kola nut to experiment with from my local herbal shop for about 4.00 euros. I read up on the effects and the active constituents which made the nut appear to me as a sort of coffee bean with an extra kick. I tried it several times before this experience with no spectacular effects mind you I have a high tolerance to stimulants even though I am a less than rarely user of such substances.

So this night I wanted to go out but did not know what to do, there were so many things going on I was sure to find something and stay up late so at around 20:30 I ingested two tablespoons with alot of water. This stuff is nasty to get down and leaves a burning throat for a while which subsides after time.

Things got muddled up and I had to wait at home for a while until I was sure where to go. I felt edgy and energetic with a good feeling creeping up on me. I drank 2 beers to mellow me out before I left at around 00:20 to go to the birthday party of a friends. My walking pace was fast and I felt as if I just got up. Once I arrived at the party I started drinking more and I was very social and a little 'up'. I started to dance which is very unusual for me and I did so for about 3 hours straight without stopping and just had a great time with less alcohol than what I would normally need to open up this much. I left at around 05:30 and was still awake with no signs of fatigue and a smile on my face and the memory of an amazing night.

I am not 100 percent sure that it was the kola nut that made the night but it sure helped give me energy and socialize alot more. It might not be anything special but for the low price and the enhancing effect I think it is a very worthwhile legal substance. Also caution there is a possibility that the kola nut causes cancer so use in moderation.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83720
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 22, 2018Views: 1,600
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Kola Nut (358) : Various (28), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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