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So Far, I've Taken 43 Pills in My Life
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   QueenS.Sublime. "So Far, I've Taken 43 Pills in My Life: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp83799)". Jul 10, 2019.

1 tablet oral MDMA
Lots Of Ecstasy In My Life

I jst turned 16 a couple weeks ago and I got out of a rehab in Utah tht I was in for four months abt two months ago. I've had a psychological addiction to ecstasy and I still do. I hve really bad short term memory loss, but tht's maybe cuz I've been smoking weed for 3yrs and I've done lots of other drugs in my life.

So far, I've taken 43 pills of ecstasy in my life. Maybe I'm jst lucky, I don't think I'm any dumber I still do well in school. But I hve problems with concentrating and linear memory. I've experienced no loss of magic as of yet, I've noticed more bad effects the more I take it.
I've noticed more bad effects the more I take it.
But mostly, it jst depends on the pill.

Repeated ecstasy use caused my thinking to become awfully cloudy and it got so bad as I didnt evn think much at all honestly my mind would be jst completely blank nothing there at all which was nice at times cuz sometimes constant thoughts can be annoying. I sometimes get frustrated with my memory loss, but with days of sobriety I slowly gain wht I've lost back.

I'm not sure wht my point is, except to inform people how many times I've rolled and wht I've experienced as a result. And also wht I've noticed is tht whn I'm rolling I lose my sense of intuition; which can cause me to walk right into a bad situation tht I would hve soberly realized. If I'm going to use ecstasy, I make sure I hve water to drink, gum, and maybe some vitamin c not sure if it really does anything but I take it anyways. I've gotten a few fake pills whn buying off strangers I know frm experience to buy frm someone I trust. Its better to wait for a good pill thn to waste money on a shitty one tht I can get right now. Too much of anything is nvr good, use only in moderation.

[Reported Dose: 'one pill each time']

Exp Year: 2009-2010ExpID: 83799
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 914
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MDMA (3) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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