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Citation:   Komodo. "Pleasant: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp83876)". Dec 31, 2010.

  repeated insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
Well, I'm writing this just hours after I tried the drug. I've just come back from a nice drum and bass, and feel quite nicely and quite energetic (it's seven thirty in the morning, I've been partying from midnight till 6).
I hadn't been taking ANY tipe of chemical drugs since the age of 17, after a very bad experience with speed (I used quite a lot and it really messed up my brain. Paranoia, aggressive behaviour... Bad, bad stuff). I've also had some depression problems (quite severe, actually, even if I never did have to use medication) around the age of 20, which basically made me quit any type of drug use (I was using alcohol and cannabis regularly, and had experienced salvia and shrooms). I started smoking weed and hash again in the last 10 months (quite regularly, actually, and it's nice and cosy as the first times I got high), but I never would have thought I'd be taking chemicals again.

I must say I tried the drug under peer pressure: two of my friends insisted I try it, and I finally gave in. I still was freaking terrified while snorting up my dose (I didn't keep track of the exact amount of substance I took: we'd do lines by placing some powder on a key, and then snorting it up. I do know that the bag contained a little more than a gram of substance, and I've kept pretty good track of how we divided the contents of the bag between us). The horrible burn and test the substance gives you did not make me any more comfortable. The come up was incredibly fast: 10 minutes and wham! There I was, euphorically dancing. While waiting for the drug to display its full effects I felt quite nauseous, but I must admit this was probably out of stress than out of the drugs' actual reactions in my body.

Well, back to the good stuff: if you recall, I was very paranoid and scared when I tried this stuff, which is the worst state of mind to try ANYTHING new... Especially drugs. But MCAT proved me wrong: in just 10 minutes a physical wave of energy and euphoria hit me, making me dance faster and really get into the music. I also felt quite connected to the people around me. We danced for about an hour, then proceeded with another dose (I'll just call them keys from now on, since that's the term we used the whole night). We didn't wait for the come on on the dance floor, but instead went outside. We chatted as the drug hit us, and I deeply appreciated the fact that MCAT let's you talk and act quite normally (your pupils can become quite large, and you do get a bit restless now and then; one of us also had some teeth grinding going); in low doses you get a nice high, and stay 90% rational. We returned to the dance floor, and danced for the rest of the night. I did two keys during this times. The high would last for about an hour, and I'd take it back up with another dose.

I must say this drug is very, very psychologically addictive. The feeling is quite nice, and overdoing it can be quite easy.
I must say this drug is very, very psychologically addictive. The feeling is quite nice, and overdoing it can be quite easy.

We left the place at 6, and here I am now: I have no come down at all (just a vague feeling of nostalgia) and I think I'm making perfect sense. I wrote mails to a lot of people, but I always do this when I take a new drug (by this I mean, it's not related to me using 4mmc, although it does make social interaction easier). I'd like to add that english is not my mother tongue, but I'm finding expressing myself in this language quite simple. I'm living in england at the moment, and this is probably the best english I've managed since I've been here (I do not feel any distinctive effect of the drug; I'm happy, tired and relaxed).
I'd say this drug is a must try. Keep the doses small, it's a legal drug: no research and god knows what they stick inside it. You can get fucked up with high doses, and you probably will. It also gave me the impression to be very, very unhealthy (radical nose burning and horrible, horrible taste, even for a synth drug!). I won't be doing MCAT again for quite a while, but I must say it restored my faith in chemical drugs. And it cost only 10 pound a bag. Bottom line: worth trying in small doses, not made for a regular use. I hear you get bad nose bleed and mouth ulcers (the nose bleed part makes perfect sense, it's like fire in your nostrils). Hope this will be of use for anyone out there. I think I'll catch some sleep now, and I'm certain I'll close my eyes with a smile on my face.

[Reported Dose: '0.4 grams']

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83876
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 31, 2010Views: 1,836
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : First Times (2), General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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