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First Time in the Chaotic Loop
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   DiSsA-sociation. "First Time in the Chaotic Loop: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp83913)". Aug 2, 2018.

  oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
Well I was actually tryin to be sober at the time, 'trying' hint hint' so we went shroom hunting at the park hearing of amanitas [amanita formosa] being there. We found some. So I took them home, giving up sobriety I ate them.

I realised I am not an addict like the state had told me. After an hour I wasnt feelin much kinda like bein stone so I ate the second dose another whole mushroom. And fell asleep. But while falling asleep, I fell into vivid closed eye visuals and a loop. I woke up later, to find myself in a chaotic room, which was only my empty bedroom. Just a bed and some piled up belongings, I have no sense of time, and orientation, I could look at the tv and see the window, or fall asleep and be throwing everything on my bed. I was the highest I had ever been, beyond high. Later I came to after cycling through a huge loop, where I experienced many quick and short behaviors and actions, that I cannot remember, but I kept thinking, I am doing everything I possibly can. Then I would look at the window and see the tv.

At one point I realised I was fucked up and hadnt told my grandpa that I went to bed. I find this hard to believ based on my stupor, but I managed to walk into the kitchen and say good night to my grandfather and drink some water, and take my med, Geodon. Anyways, that was the last I left my room that night. I remember blurs of trying to walk around my room and falling on my face. My grandpa asked me the next day what all the bangin around was. I had no answer.

I remember alot of things from that night. I believe I traveled far that night, and I believe I also traveled in myself. Also I know that was an amazing experience I just was not prepared. I remember terror from that night, I remember not knowing if I was dead or alive. It felt as if my existence had shattered, it felt like my conception of myself was broken, I did not know if I would come back, but I was not scared, this motivated me to come home. So I closed my eyes and fought the loop, I was determined to be sober again. I could not handle the soma, but I still respected it, he or she showed me their power and I bowed down, slowly I came too. And calmed down and could sit and relax. But soon fell asleep, and woke up with a general mood lift and had a wonderfull three months since then or six months I dont know how long it has been. I did smaller doses after that and enjoyed them. Soma is a mind loop, for me, I have to be prepared for the info, I lear, I dont get sweaty like some, and I dont get spasms or cramps, I get trippin :)

[Reported Dose: "2 medium caps and three stems "]

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83913
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 2, 2018Views: 867
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : General (1), Alone (16)

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