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The Creation and Effects of Ololiúqui Vodka
Turbina corymbosa & Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Mad Visionary. "The Creation and Effects of Ololiúqui Vodka: An Experience with Turbina corymbosa & Alcohol - Hard (exp83939)". Jun 19, 2020.

3 shots oral Turbina corymbosa (extract)

A lot has been said online about Ergine (LSA) extraction from morning glory and Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. However another and I believe superior seed for this purpose exists, the Ololiúqui (Rivea corymbosa). Extraction is easy and can be achieved using regularly found household items.


500 Ololiúqui seeds
Coffee Grinder
1 litre Vodka
Coffee filter or a cloth
1 litre beaker or a large bowl
Cello-tape (optional)


I take the whole untreated seeds and grind in the Coffee grinder until all seeds have been reduced down into a light brown powder. Some small chunks in the powder may remain from the seed casing, this is fine. I drop the mixture into the opened bottle of vodka, and maybe write a warning on the bottle with a pen so nobody tries to drink it by mistake. I put the lid back on the vodka and reseal with Cello-tape, give the bottle a good shake so the powder mixture flows through the liquid, and leave the bottle of vodka in a dark cupboard or closet.

Over the next four days I take the bottle out once or twice a day and give it a good shake for five seconds or so. The Cello-tape is useful to ensure no liquid escapes during the shaking process, but if I don't have any I just hold onto the lid while shaking. The vodka will change colour from clear to hazel brown, and then to a lovely toilet brown during these four days. This is what I want, it means the extraction is working and the Ergine is leaving the seed powder and fusing with the vodka. After the four day shaking cycle is complete it is time to filter out the powder mixture from the vodka and it has served its purpose and almost all the LSA will be gone. I pour the vodka slowly into a coffee filter leading into a beaker, rinse the empty vodka bottle to remove any seed shells remaining, and pour the filtered hallucinogenic vodka back into the empty vodka bottle. I repeat the filtration process at least three times. The vodka will become much clearer than before, but obviously not as clear as it was when I started. A light brown colour while in the bottle than runs clear when poured is ideal. The hard work is over and now I can try the end product.


One 25ml shot will contain the equivalent of 20 Ololiúqui seeds. The taste of the straight infused vodka will be quite bitter. For my tolerance level about three and a half shots is an ideal medium to strong trip, and any shots I take beyond this amount might result in longer lasting effects but not necessarily a better trip.


At the beginning I mentioned that I found the Ololiúqui seed better than the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seed and the Morning Glory variates; part of this is due to the practical implications of not having to pre-treat the seeds, but the other part is the great tranquillising and calming effect these seeds seem to have during the first hour coming up period of the trip which is not unlike Cannabis or Diazepam. This puts my mind at rest early on, and should result more often than not in a happy trip. As far as the hallucinogenic effects of the vodka goes; colours appear more vibrant, music more pleasant and rich, patterns can be seen on the surfaces of objects which appear to stretch into infinity, closed eye visuals are possible, items may appear more detailed and fascinating than before and Synaesthesia may be experienced.

Other than the audio visual effectsI might find that I can reorganise my own thoughts or self meditate better than before for the duration of the trip, which can last from five to twelve hours depending on dose and tolerance levels. Even the following day I may mind not all is it should be, so I make sure to have nothing planned for the next 36 hours just to be on the safe side.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83939
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 19, 2020Views: 1,468
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Turbina corymbosa (116) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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