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Morphing Rainbow Octopus
DMT & Lamotrigine
Citation:   Fire Starter. "Morphing Rainbow Octopus: An Experience with DMT & Lamotrigine (exp83978)". Erowid.org. Aug 4, 2017. erowid.org/exp/83978

200 mg oral Pharms - Lamotrigine (daily)
  110 mg rectal DMT  
The setting was in my bedroom with the lights out. Night time, so it was dark outside, shades shut. I had a close friend with me, tripsitting, for it was my first time ever on DMT. I was scared and apprehensive. I didn't really know what to expect. And because I am asthmatic, and autistic, several possible ways to take the DMT were out. The only way that I could find that was suitable and safe for me was to plug it.

The actual thought and fact of sticking something up my bum was repulsive and almost invasive of sorts. I kept thinking over and over, 'why the hell am I sticking something up my bum just to trip my face off?' But then I took a step back, mentally speaking, and thought things through. I had tripped before on a few other things. I was apprehensive each time, yet it worked out fine for me. I had tried Psilocybin mushrooms, weed, Amanita mushrooms, and GBL. I was also on my bipolar meds (Lamotrigine) at the time. Each time was different, unique, a bit scary, and yet awesome. So I made my mind think 'this will work out too, it might be hard, but why not jump in, and try it. You won't know until you try something.'

Since I know next to nothing about drugs, and my friend is a science geek knowhow, I had him prepare everything for me. All I did was stand by, watch him, ask questions, and tell him what I had planned/wanted to achieve. What he did was convert some of his supply of freebase DMT into its acetate salt. He used vinegar and buffering to neutral the PH using sodium bicarbonate. He adding a little water, then heating it in a warm water bath to dissolve it into solution suitable for rectal use. This solution was then drawn up into a 5ml measuring syringe and then plugged.

Once pushed up my bum, I curled up under the covers of my bed and held onto the hand of my friend. The first thing that I notice when the DMT started kicking in was everything got tingly and electrified in my body. There was a buzzing sensation in my head, and a pressure on my ears.
There was a buzzing sensation in my head, and a pressure on my ears.
There are glowing stars on my ceiling and walls, therefore when I looked around, I saw the stars. They started changing color and shape. I started seeing ziggly dotted colors and spirals everywhere in my vision. It was kinda cool and sweet, I was quite amazed at all the visuals, and everything that was happening.

But then I started getting scared when my friend's hand started getting slimy, dissolving, stretching, scaly like a snake, morphing, shape shifting, turning into a slimy snail, oozing, dribbling black drippy slimy puddles all over my arms and bed. I ended up pushing his hand away, starting to freak out, because it kept changing rapidly through all those different things. At this point I closed my eyes. And that is when my octopus friend started showing up and helping to calm me down. She was rainbow colored with swirlies, kept morphing, changing, moving and calmed me. She wrapped her tentacled suckly arms around me, and they were moving through me, dissolving and squeezing. Comforting me, started whispering emotions and feelings in my head. She had wings made of spirally energy, that was almost invisible to the thought. This next part lasted for what seemed like minutes and an eternity all at the same time. Squishing and squeezing, morphing and changing, flying and flapping. Twisting around, dancing, putting a show on, comforting me. Then slowly she started going slightly translucent and whispering calming emotions in my thoughts and feelings.

As she started doing that I became numb and tingly feeling, my mind started floating and flying in a million universes, in a place where no time existed, in a tiny little pinprick dot. Then it was like I was frozen, and not doing anything, yet doing everything all at once. Still numb and tingly and with a distant feeling of Mrs. Octopus around me. She was one sex, yet many sexes. One being yet many beings all at the same time. She was motherly and nurturing, and kept trying to reassure and comfort me. Edging me on to just fully let go, and leap into her open tentacled, clingy sucker arms. Then a little bit later, the trip slowly edged off and lessened. There was a warm after glow feeling. I was very relaxed and calmed. My mind was crystal clear.

Once I was fully out of the trip, I looked at the clock. I did the math and found out that I had been tripping hard-ish for almost exactly 2 hours and 12 minutes. I can't wait till I try this again but I will step it up to the next level. Next time I will take 140 mg.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83978
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Aug 4, 2017Views: 2,502
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