Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
A Different, Dissappointing DPT
by CZ
Citation:   CZ. "A Different, Dissappointing DPT: An Experience with DPT (exp8407)". Feb 11, 2002.

100 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
I had heard good things about DPT, and had read many glowing reports online, so when it was offered to me I decided to try it. I went through all the preparations suggested in the literature, and had relaxed/meditated all the previous day and that morning.

I did not use a sitter (MISTAKE!) as I am quite experienced with psychoactives and have been able to handle everything else I've used. Realize though, that while I am what is called an experienced traveler in Pihkal, even I was caught off guard, and I shall never again make the mistake of using drugs on my own. I did it at about noon. I must admit that despite my relaxations, I was anxious and excited (as I always am with a new experience). I played quiet Led Zeppelin, my preferred experience accompaniment, and closed the shades and turned off the light. After a significant amount of careful cutting (my nose is quite sensitive), I insullfated one line of 100 mg.

I had been told to do it all at once, as a small amount and then boosting is ineffective. I had a small sip of orange juice to deal with the post-nasal drip, but I had not eaten or drank anything else for several hours before then. I then proceeded to recline in a long chair and prepared to melt into the experience.

My first sense was an indescribable anticipation that I found unsettling as it went against my preparations. This came on within five minutes. I soon felt dizziness, but it was not worse than many other substances, and I simply lied down completely in response. But, and this unfortunately ruined my experience and made it much different from all that I had read, I felt a strong nausea slowly grow. About fifteen minutes after insullfating, I began to vomit. I did so quite violently, and repeatedly, but with a minute or two between each. The vomitting was not so horribly unpleasant as it was distracting.

I found it very difficult to lose myself in the DPT as I was too busy feeling like shit. In the few minutes in between each vomitting, I found it quite hard to close my eyes (as much literature recommended). I later realized that it was the transition between open and closed that was difficult. Yet with my eyes open, I had reasonably strong hallucinations. I saw the aura of all things floating around them, and as I focused on individual objects, faces formed in the auras. The faces were clearly the spirits of the inanimate, and they tried to speak to me but I could not hear them. I got the sense that those things that are used felt trapped, and were calling to me to free them, but the things that are simply allowed to be were quite content.

Once I finished vomitting, maybe twenty minutes later, I lied down on my stomach and closed my eyes. I found this to be a much more pleasant position, but I was still bothered by a headache that was strikingly reminiscent of my migraines. As serotonin is directly involved in the cause of migraines, I suspect that the DPT (structurally very similar to serotonin), may have triggered such an episode. My susceptability to migraines may explain my reaction to the DPT, but I have never had such an experience with either a phenethylamine or a tryptamine hallucinogen, nor was such a violent reaction ever mentioned in the literature.

Lying down, I had quite strong closed eye visuals, with a great amount of both color and form, but they seemed to lack a theme or meaning and each image was fleeting. Thus, I was not really 'drawn into' the DPT experience (dare I say that I found it boring?) and I don't feel that I gained any amount of understanding. These visuals lasted maybe an hour or so, and stopped sort of abruptly, though the end was not shocking in any way.

Afterwards, I felt mild dizzyness reminiscent of marijuana but no real headache or nausea. I had no hangover the next day, nor any sort of post-hallucinogen depression. As an interesting, and at the time almost redeeming, note, the comedown after the visuals stopped was wonderful. I was not hyper, but I was in a good mood comparable with any stimulant or 'ecstacy'. I could only describe it as the afterglow.

Overall, I would have to say that I was extremely disappointed in DPT. It was the worst drug experience I have ever had, save times when I've feared for my safety, and the hallucinations were not spiritually rewarding to any extent. But this is not meant as an attack on DPT itself; I write this evaluation only as a warning. Drug experiences are VERY subjective, and as is stated many times on Erowid, everyone reacts differently. I would hope that this serves as a grounding counter-balance to other reports and would remind everyone to be prepared for anything.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8407
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 11, 2002Views: 15,856
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