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Two Separate Worlds
LSD & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Krissy. "Two Separate Worlds: An Experience with LSD & Nitrous Oxide (exp84123)". Jul 18, 2017.

T+ 0:00
2 hits   LSD  
  T+ 4:30   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
So I was partying in a hotel room after the Furthur show. (Bob Weir and Phil Lesh from the Grateful Dead) I received my balloon about 4 to 5 hours after I took my two hits of acid. It was a large balloon, so I passed my balloon around with my friends. I have done a lot of Nitrous before, but I had never done it while tripping on acid. So I finished my balloon, and I dazed off. The room started really moving, and everyone was moving. I was used to this feeling though, this happens to me when I do nitrous normally, but it was just a bit more intense while tripping. All of a sudden, I realized I could not see anything. I simply forgot who I was, where I was, who was with me, and why I was there.

After trying to see what was going on, I saw my friend Liz sitting across from me. I looked to the left. My vision was completely pixelated. I saw pixel images of this guy in the room. In a very robotic motion, he moved his head to the left, forward, then down, back forward, then left again... in quick jerking motions. I realized then that what I was seeing was not right. I looked down at my shoes and they dissapeared. At that moment, I was in two different worlds. My mind was elsewhere, and I could not see much but these magnified pixelated images of the room. I could not decipher anything I was really seeing. I thought to myself then, that the joke was on me. It was me, out of all these people, that did too much, and I thought I completely lost my mind forever. I felt I was stuck in this world that only I could see, and I could not get back through this place to seeing reality again. At this moment when I realized what was happening to me, my body was disconnected from my brain.

This is what my body did: I apparently stood up on the bed. I tried to walk and lost my balance. I fell in between the wall and the bed, hit my head very hard, and caught myself with one leg while one was still on the bed. I jumped back up on to the bed, and that is when my two worlds began to fuse together again.

This is where I was: I stood up in my world and was still unable to see anything. This world was very confusing, and seemed almost like a video game. Everything was fake. I still saw the pixelated enlarged images of the room that would rarely move. And if the pictures moved, it was back and forth. So I got nervous, and that is when I stood up in my world, tried to walk through this world, and that is when I fell. When I fell in my world, it felt like a fell through space, and when I hit the 'floor' the pixels bounced me back up to a sitting position. At the moment I hit my head, I could hear people in the room distantly laughing. That is when I realized I must have brought much attention to myself back in this reality I could not see. I suddenly became embarrassed. That is when I jumped back up onto the bed. I heard a faint voice that was mine, starting in my world, and being said in the real world. I asked 'I am fine, I just need to know what is going on.' 'I have no idea what is going on' 'Can someone tell me what the f*ck is going on'. My vision began to come back. I saw my friend Liz, and she was mirror-imaged. I looked forward, and I saw this girl, who told me that I was being very composed for what just happened. I asked her what just happened, and she told me that I fell and I hit my head. I did not believe her.

It is hard to explain what I saw during this moment, but I was fully conscious through the whole thing. It was not 'fishing out' because I did not pass out. I was stuck in this new world where I could not decipher any of the images I was seeing. Imagine yourself, looking into a room, and not seeing all of the people, not feeling the bed, not seeing the wall you hit your head on, and merely feeling the pain from your head and hearing the faint voices laughing.

People told me I was lucky because I disconnected my brain from my body. I told them it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84123
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 18, 2017Views: 1,517
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LSD (2), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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