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Inhaler Fail
Citation:   mr. cool. "Inhaler Fail: An Experience with Albuterol (exp84257)". Apr 5, 2018.

15 hits inhaled Pharms - Albuterol
The euphoric high is a myth, as far as I'm concerned any high off of this at all is a myth. Last night I took about 15 hits at one time and held it all in with an albuteral inhaler. I got a little shaky and my heartbeat got pretty fast, I felt mildly weird and mildly relaxed and cool. But honestly it was not a HIGH at all, just mild annoying differences from real life.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84257
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 5, 2018Views: 1,688
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Pharms - Albuterol (241) : General (1), Alone (16)

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