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Melting and Morphing - Greater Connection
Citation:   Hyperi. "Melting and Morphing - Greater Connection: An Experience with 2C-I (exp84273)". Sep 24, 2010.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Tryptophan (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:30 17 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
Previously I had only had experience with cannabis, being a multiple time per week smoker for about a year, and with MDMA, having done about 16 doses of 125mg over the past 4 months.

I and my girlfriend are both around 5' 11' and 135lbs. I, nor my girlfriend, had ever done a 'trip' drug before this experience.

(7:00pm) My girlfriend and myself each take 100mg 5-htp to up our serotonin levels.

We drive to downtown Detroit for a zombie themed rave in a warehouse art gallery.

My stomach has been upset ever since I took the 5htp on an empty stomach. I purchase and eat a BK Veggie burger in hopes of calming it down a bit (this is significant because I believe it delayed the onset of the effects of the 2c-i and caused the high to last longer).

About 9:30pm at night we are in my car in downtown Detroit. My girlfriend and I each down about 17ml of of 1mg/ml 2c-i dissolved in vodka (so 17mg 2c-i each). We chase our drinks with Gatorade and enter the rave. Being as the rave is scheduled from 9pm-5am, there are only about 8 other people there who are not DJs. We walk around and I introduce my girlfriend to the DJs that I know and my raver-friends who have come early.

My girlfriend and I observe the art on the walls. Most of the art is erotic (mostly nude females) in nature. Some of it is photography, some black and white, some in colour. Some of the art is painted, some is painted and 3D (with plaster or metal attached to the canvas). Different sections of the walls appear to be from different artists. There is a nice range of style in the art within the warehouse. Two pieces of art (seemingly by the same artist) look as if everything in them melts at the bottom and whisps away near the top of the canvas. I remark that drugs were more than likely involved in the painting of these pieces.

(10:10pm) A friend offers some free cannabis. I decline because I do not want to taint the first-time experience. No noticeable effects from the 2c-i yet.

My girlfriend says that the women in the two paintings I remarked on earlier are 'dancing' for her. She says that they are waving from side to side and floating about. The paintings look as solid as they ever did to me. I ask my girlfriend if anything else looks strange. She tells me only those two paintings, nothing else.

My girlfriend and I have been dancing for a few minutes to some hardstyle electronica. Music doesn't seem any more enjoyable than usual. Under the influence of MDMA I would normally be coming up quite heavily by now. My girlfriend jokingly tells me that she might need to break up with me to start dating the two paintings that are dancing for her. Still no effects on my end.

It's ~10:55pm now. My girlfriend tells me that the paintings have stopped dancing. She explains that they only dance for me now. I find this strange because I had informed her that I hadn't yet experienced them 'dance'. I wonder if my girlfriend's explanation is partially caused by the effects of the 2c-i on her mind.

My girlfriend says that going from the cold outside to the warm inside has caused the blood to pool in her extremities. She wants to sit down until her hands feel better. I sit down with her and take a look at her hands. To my surprise her hands look unusually large. I wonder if any of her bracelets (rave kandi) are restricting blood flow. Upon further examination it is determined that he bracelets are not restricting blood flow. I look down at my own hands; they seem unusually large too. I massaged my hands in hopes that they would stop being so bulged looking. They feel extremely 'mushy', like they are filled with very soft, pliable rubber. (at the time I believed this had something to do with blood pooling in our hands- in retrospect I believe it was the effects of the 2c-i on my vision and touch senses)

I get extremely chatty. I catch myself talking about anything and everything. I stop talking when I catch myself. I think 'ah, finally I'm coming up.' My girlfriend starts getting chatty too. We decide to start dancing again.

My stomach feels queasy (presumably still from the 5-htp on an empty stomach from earlier). I tell my girlfriend that I need to sit down until I come up (I figure that if any of the 'MDMA like' reports I heard are correct my stomach pain will leave in no time). I go sit down in a chair on the far-side of the larger of three rooms in the warehouse. She continues to dance at the front of the large room.

My stomach pain goes away. I look at a painting across the room as I start to stand up to head for the dance-floor. To my amazement, something in the picture looks alive. I push some hair out of my eyes and look closer. The picture appears to be in a cycle, like an animation. I look at a picture of a woman laying on a couch. The woman appears to be having an orgasm over and over again. My girlfriend comes and sits next to me. I tell her that things are moving and I'm starting to trip. She says that nothing has moved for her since the first two pictures did.

(11:30pm) I've been staring at the same two pictures (which are nothing alike) back and forth for the past 10 minutes. I think I see somebody I know in my peripheral vision to my right. I look to my right and don't recognize anyone. Off in the distance I see a picture that has many melting hearts painted on it. The hearts appear to float around. I get up to walk closer to the picture. A friend of mine who has been watching me says 'close your eyes, man. I'll take you to something to look at.' I'm in a fascinated and open mood, so I go along with him.

He walks me to a different part of the room and says 'open your eyes.' I open them and see a 6ft x 6ft white-on-black air-brush painting of a nude woman. The woman appears to be changing age and weight right in front of my eyes. In a matter of about 3 seconds she goes through an entire cycle of every age from 16 to 90 and every weight from 80lbs to 180lbs.

My eyes are glued to the air-brush painting. My friend re-directs my attention to another painting. 'This one looks like it's floating right in front of me' I exclaim. 'It's 3D. Walk over here' says my friend. I walk over a bit to look at the painting from an angle. It has 3D pieces of metal in the shapes of people attached to the canvas. I remember seeing this painting before and it not looking as three-dimensional as it did now though.

My girlfriend has been staring around the room for a while now too. We decide to go sit down on a couch in a corner and enjoy the sites. The couch has a somewhat fuzzy fabric on it with very short and compact 'hairs' on it. The hairs feel to me as if they are 6 inches deep and as soft as silk. My girlfriend is wearing an open-back wedding dress (we were zombie bride and groom for the rave); she says that the fuzziness of the couch feels as if it is burning on her back. She says that if she doesn't think about it the burning doesn't bother her. She says that she can tell that the burning is not actually happening and is just her brain trying to trick her

It feels as if we have been sitting on the couch for an hour. My girlfriend asks the time. I attempt to pull my cell-phone out of my pocket. My pocket feels like it is a foot deep and filled with sticky nets. I can't pull my phone out because my ability to sense the contents of my pocket is being altered by the 2c-i. I ask a friend for the time, only to discover that just 10 minutes has passed since we sat down.

(11:50pm) We are fairly certain that we've been sitting on this couch for a good 3 hours now (we hadn't even been at the rave for a whole 3 hours). We ask a friend for the time and he tells us that it's 10 minutes to midnight. 'Holy shit, this is going to be a long night', I exclaim.

My girlfriend and myself spend the next 40 minutes or so conversing with people and thinking in new-ways. At some point I had closed my eyes to check for CEVs. I see a wall of endlessly approaching fractals of constantly rotating colours. I'm not too interested; I'd much rather watch naked women change shape. I spend a some time observing people's faces. Their emotions seem to cycle rapidly. I can't tell if anyone is happy, sad, angry, excited or melancholy; everyone seems to express each emotion simultaneously.

(2:10am) My girlfriend says she wants to go to the room in the front of the building, where the air is fresher. I follow her through the crowd, lagging behind a bit when she walks down some stairs which I find quite difficult to navigate. The front room has some unwelcome-guests- non-ravers who are there only to get drunk and take 'rolling' girls home with them. I find them all disgusting. I look at their faces as I pass them by. Their eyes appear to be bulging out and ogling every female that they see. I fear for my girlfriend's safety as motor function is difficult and thoughts sometimes get muddled when I try to concentrate.

I am getting a bit overwhelmed by the fear of something bad happening, without me being in control of myself enough to understand or stop what is happening. I calm down for a bit and admire my girlfriend. I imagine what it would be like to melt together with her. I envision the two of us as rods of metal being melted down and then poured into a ring shaped mold. I wonder if we could harden that way. I think of how I want to harden into a new shape with her.

A lot of non-ravers have shown up. The warehouse is extremely crowded with strange people, making it hard to move about. I imagine it would be hard to move even through an open room. People seem to be running by at excessive speeds. Whenever somebody talks I fear that they're trying to talk to me- so I look their way. There are hundreds of people talking and running about. This overwhelms me and I don't know what to do. I tell my girlfriend that I want to go back to the couch to relax. We head back to the couch in the back corner of the warehouse.

We meet my friend at the couch. He says, 'This place is getting a little concerning. There are some scary looking people here.' My girlfriend says 'I want to go home. Let's get out of here.' I think, 'there's no way I can drive right now, I can barely walk.' I ask my friend if he can drive us. He says yes. I hand him my car keys and we all head for my car.

(2:35am) We get to my car and I discover that my passenger side front door is unlocked. Nothing seems to be missing. I decide I must have forgot to lock it before going inside. (I learned a long time ago not to bring anything valuable in my car when venturing into Detroit late at night). My friend has trouble reversing my car because he doesn't have much experience driving a stick-shift. I tell him I can get the car out of the parking-space, but that there's no way I'm doing any more driving than that.

My friend drives us back to his place, stalling out no less than 7 times while in downtown Detroit. Nothing looks too interesting on the drive home (which is probably because it is very dark out). I can definitely still feel the stimulant effects of the 2c-i; perhaps now even more than before, since I do not have visuals to distract me.

It is now only 3:10am. This is very unusually early for us to be home from a rave. Typically we would rave until 5am and then go to an after-party which lasts until around 9:30am. My friend parks my car at a convenience store about a 1/4 mile walk from his house, because his drive-way is full and he lives on a main road. We get out of my car and begin to walk to his house.

I say 'I'm not still tripping. Things look normal.' 'Yes you are.', replies my girlfriend.

We enter my friend's house and get comfy on the floor. He plays 'The Events Leading Up To The Collapse Of Detective Dulllight' by 'Of Montreal'. The oration contains much alliteration and word-play that spins my mind in ways I never imagined it could be spun.

(3:30am) I focus on some things in the room and realize that I am definitely still having full-on visuals. I get cozy with my girlfriend and notice that her skin feels very rubber-like in its mold-ability. Yet the surface of it feels as if I meld together with her when our skin touches.

My friend sets up the 1977 film Wizards by Ralph Bakshi to play. The film is filled with psychedelic imagery which entertains the tripping mind, while carrying a metaphorical fantasy plot which can be read into in many ways. My girlfriend falls asleep sometime into the movie (later she would tell me that she really wanted to watch it, but feared she would miss her bus the next day if she didn't get some rest).

(5:05am) The movie finishes after being paused for a few short moments in order to follow interesting trains of thought. I spend the next 25 minutes discussing reality human stupidity with my friend.

I discuss various deep subjects with my friend. We talk about euthanasia, love, war, politics and drug experiences.

I excuse myself to the restroom. Before leaving the restroom I decide to check to see if my pupils are still dilated- they are. (6:10 am) While looking at my eyes, I notice that my face is morphing. My own face seems to cycle through emotions, ages and weights. I find this interesting and look at my face from all different angles. I head back to lay down with my sleepy girlfriend.

I continue to talk with my friend. I still have the chatty stimulant high, but feel I could get to sleep if I wanted to. I focus on some things to see if I'm still experiencing visuals. It appears that things are still morphing shape, but perhaps more slowly than they were before.

(6:50am) I decide to get some sleep.

(10:30am) I awake the next day and find myself a little lethargic (I did just get only 3.5 hours of sleep on a floor). Skin still feels melty and rubbery to me. Everything looks normal, no more visuals.

I drive to get some coffee with my girlfriend. I drink a lot of coffee hoping it will wake me up.

My girlfriend and I go to a park to get some fresh air.

I tell my girlfriend that I want to make love before she goes home for the week. (we live a few hours apart and typically only see each other from Friday-Sunday)

After doing some shopping and walking around, my girlfriend tells me to find a place for us to have sex.

(2:00pm) I pull behind an empty (for lease sign on the wind) building and park my car in a shaded area. We do the deed. Her skin still feels to me as if mine melds with it when I touch it. Her more 'fuller' body parts feel especially nice to hold and move around (even more so than usual).

Finish up some of the most enjoyable sex I've ever had.

(4:00pm) I sit with my girlfriend in a greyhound station. Skin still feels 'melty.' I wonder if the 2c-i has permanently changed my perception of the feeling of soft things. I almost hope it has.

(5:30pm) Back at home alone the 'melty' feeling of skin and soft things begins to fade.

All effects of the 2c-i finally subside.

(8:00pm at night) I fall asleep in bed.

(2:00pm two days later) I finally am back to normal thought process and energy levels.

In retrospect, the trip was extremely mind-opening and definitely something I and my girlfriend will be doing again. Next time will likely be at a friend's house, or at a museum though- not at a party/rave.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84273
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 24, 2010Views: 8,867
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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