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Vomiting Death!!!!
by dub
Citation:   dub. "Vomiting Death!!!!: An Experience with DMT (exp84361)". Feb 26, 2018.

  smoked DMT
Ok, so my buddy just got some dmt, and I had smoked it once before, but not enough to truly 'Trip'. I smoked probably 3 bowls of dmt, but really only had gnarly visions, pretty much felt like every thing I had thought about mushrooms, o boy, I was wrong. I Then decided to breakthrough. I had watched 2 others breakthrough that day, and was intimidated by the drug, and wasn't so sure I really wanted to breakthrough.
I had watched 2 others breakthrough that day, and was intimidated by the drug, and wasn't so sure I really wanted to breakthrough.

My friends tell me other universes, and being in space and seeing other beings. I finally built up enough courage to breakthrough. The smoking device was a homemade G Bong. My buddy filled the g bong with ash and dmt. He then filled the bong. I said fuck it and went for it.

As soon as I cleared the bong I began to cough (tastes like shit) than I look at a girl in the room and her hair began moving in different ways. I then felt like I was going to vomit. She handed me the garbage. I looked up at an austin powers spy who shagged me poster, and everything melted off the walls. I began to vomit. While vomitting my eyes would close and I was in a neon yellow place. While here I was listening to calm mellow music, but it was speed metal in this place. When I would open my eyes I would look at my vomit and it was mostly chicken ramen,pop rocks and bug juice. That made a neon green color. The noodles were snakes and were wiggling in my face. I felt so shitty. I then saw my friend and his eyes were fucked up, I was so fucking scared. It was as if he were the only other person in the room, and didn't want me there, I felt so scared. I was tripping fucking balls. I thought I was dying.
I felt so scared. I was tripping fucking balls. I thought I was dying.
When began to come out of it people were showing up and the small room I was in became huge. I than felt a great sense of stress, but I had nothing to stress about, but I felt as if I had just had a bad dream. I was telling everybody how scared I was, but words couldn't come out, almost like they were meaningless. I walked outside and came down.

When I came back I knew I had had a bad trip, but was it? It was definitely enlightening, I have a whole new take on life. Its as if maybe that is the afterlife, and everything I had ever thought about religion really made no sense. Is there a god? Is a bad trip what hell is and a good trip heaven? Its a very powerful drug.I was not in the right mindset for this experience. It was an eye opener. Would I do it again? Chances are the drug will call to me, and when I am ready I will, hopefully I will have a good trip.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84361
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 26, 2018Views: 1,956
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