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Through the Obervatory
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   JCarpenter. "Through the Obervatory: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp84425)". Oct 14, 2017.

  smoked DMT
    smoked Cannabis
I had recently grabbed a handful of DMT 'hits' from a friend. Prior to this experience I had moderate but limited exposure to the drug.

Lighting but one candle in the room, I sat down on my couch with a bong nested in my crotch and thus began my affair with the DMT.

Procedure: Having acquired a bong from a friend, I crumbled the ashen cannabis residue into a bed for the DMT. After depositing the DMT (app. 30mg) I buried the crystals beneath a second layer of ash. I ignited the substances with a standard Bic lighter held just above the ashen upper layer. One small hit was taken, followed by a second larger one. There is the possibility that there could have been residual DMT in the bowl.

2:22 AM: Just after feeling the onset of effects, I carefully placed the bong down next to my coffee table and sat straight-legged with my hands resting on my legs. The feelings were predictably difficult to describe, nonetheless I'll do my best to give a straight-forward report.

I immediately recognized the body high as unusual and unique, reminiscent of the feeling of one's body while dreaming (or for those who are unfamiliar with this feeling, it was as if I had drowned the ambient input from my nervous system in static.) In fact, most of the experience 'feelings' can be reduced to dreamlike analogues.

The growing intensity of the body high was accompanied by an auditory ringing
The growing intensity of the body high was accompanied by an auditory ringing
, similar to what one might expect to hear after standing too close to a grenade blast. The ringing was soothing, like television static, and it muffled the voices of rambling alcoholics outside of my apartment. Looking up at the ceiling, the pattern energetically and colorfully breathed 'through' the fan above. Feeling isolated, but coherent, I relaxed my neck, allowing it to rest against the back of the couch, and closed my eyes.

A faint pattern mesh projected itself onto my expanding field of vision. I felt at ease with these and awaited the patterns to increase in intensity. The expanding mesh didn't scroll, but bled 'into' and 'through' me; however this is not to say that I 'felt' the movement of the mesh but that I simply observed it. Visual and physical hallucinations were largely disconnected.

The following visual hallucinations were just facets of visceral perception and intuition; I 'felt' more than I 'saw.'

At this time the ambient static subsumed me entirely. My mind had begun to feel warped and inflated into the upper hemisphere of an observatory. I imagined a force slowly prying open this 'observatory' dome and I tilted my head back further to warrant a better view of the beyond. A constellation of patterns revealed itself and flowed into my mouth, which I opened.

'What an odd sensation,' I thought. Wondering if I could speak, I called aloud 'Speaking, now,' which were the last words I spoke for the remainder of the night.

I continued to open and close my mouth to comfortably let in the stellar seeds, which were being dumped out by the thousands into this 'observatory' by a thin figure. Soon after this 'peak', the energy of the visions ebbed and I looked at the clock.

2:26 AM: I laughed at the observation of the time, grabbed a blanket from my bed and laid down on the couch. Closing my eyes again, my mind wandered as I had clear, objective thoughts about personal relationships, my education, and direction. Thinking was generally lubricated. Mathematical reasoning was dulled, but present. This could have been, at least in part, due to the cannabis. I distinctly felt 'spun,' like I had after an acid trip.

These thoughts and feelings relaxed until I simply felt 'high.' The depth of the DMT experience grew gradually more shallow until

2:33 AM: I fell asleep, marinating in thought.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84425
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 14, 2017Views: 2,523
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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