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What Are We Watching?
Citation:   SHinKonO. "What Are We Watching?: An Experience with DXM (exp8445)". Oct 25, 2020.

500 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  Couple hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Well me and my friend wanted to get acid but that fell threw so insted we just went down to the store and got some dramamine and DXM.

We ended up deciding that he would take the dram and I the DXM. I took 10 pills at first(30mg) because we were at my friends house and his parents had company. Well about an hr later I took 3 more and in less than ten min I finnished off the pack. I remember danceing and making music but it seems vague.

Later when I was lying upsidedown in his bed (what actualy happend)- his sister came in and asked us if we wanted help in to the other room and we set up for the night in the famly room. (what I thought happend)- His mom wonders saying something like 'boo bop bedodidi' or something and I was instantly on the coutch in the other room.

We wated for abuot ... I dont know how long it seemed like hours but it was more like 30 min probably. And we went out to smoke some but and walk around. Well I was barly able to walk mind you but then I had to walk next to this creak on a thin path and I though I was for sure going to fall in.

We use a can (for the bud) because thats all we have at the time and my friend thought he was holding the can right but its realy backwards and he couldn't figure out how to smoke the damn thing. But we smoke for a little, not too much. Then the DXM realy kicked into high gear. I kept forgeting that I was even walking down a street and I was getting lost walking in a straight line.

Then the peak (yay!) I was constantly leaving my body and skipping thew time istintaniously moving hundreds of feet with out knowing what was going on I could remember maybe the last 2 sec of what was happening then I would be somewhere elts. I some how then managed to jump a fence (a feat that I don't enen know how I did it at the time).

My friend and I ended up going to this big circle that drop about a foot from the rest of the ground at this school we were at. We sat down. Time was still skipping from here to there but now I was also blacking out hitting the ground and sitting back up again several times a minite. I tryed to read my watch and I couldnt... 2 seconds later I tryed again because I forgot I alread failed at it And I kept forgeting where we were and then I would realise it when I was have a moment when I 'was back in my body again'(or contious for the most part) and I would have to tell J that 'we're in this fucking circle'.

We left after a while when I got up I blacked for a sec out and hit the ground then stumbled off. When I jumped the fence (again amazing) on the way back J hylucinated me falling into a pile of shit. I didnt know what shit was at the time, it took me at least 2 min to figure out what he ment then I smelt my hand and there was nothing except my hand, no shit. This entire time I was still skipping threw time in wierd ways I remember leaving the school then being back on the couch instantly (this is a lack of current memory thats just what happend).

We were watching I dont know what, the people talking didn't make any sence at all (elaberation: I could tell they were talking in some primitive tribal toungh from what I could remember and it was imposible to tell which one of them was actualy talking since there lips didnt move and time was skipping) and they stood infront of a laudermat for about (my time)- 3 hrs (real time)-unknown from what I can remember. I kept asking J what we were watching because I would always leave my body or something and then ask again. He said that I probably asked him at least 14 times 'Hey J what are we watching?' then I was asleep (probably between 3:30am and 4am)

When I awoke (about 9:30am) his mom was taking a spanish lesson or somthing (J left the house to go golfing with his fother for an hr) But I thought they were speaking in English but I it just didn't make any sence till one of them said something in english then it clicked. I still felt light headed alot the day after. All in all it was soo fucking fun and I loved it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8445
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2020Views: 623
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DXM (22) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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