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Better Than I Anticipated
Citation:   Rivermeetsanend. "Better Than I Anticipated: An Experience with MDMA (exp84485)". Jul 9, 2019.

I have tried ecstasy once before, and while physically it felt great...touch, sensation was amplified, I wasn't with people who I knew very well and looking back, it wasn't an appropriate setting for someone trying E for the first time.

Fast forward, 3 years later, I tried it again with my boyfriend. It was just he and I, alone. He is the type of person who has experimented with various drugs, while I really haven't. He said he has never had a spectacular experience with E before, but was willing to do it with me to see if the effects would be different when doing it with somebody who you really love and care for.

And my god, it was amazing. We both began to feel the effects about 25 minutes after taking it. We immediately opened up to each other about everything (even though we had already established a bond of sharing feelings) and it was so easy. Our kisses were even better, and the loving feelings that we already had were just that much more pronounced
the loving feelings that we already had were just that much more pronounced
. We both agreed that this was one of the best experiences we had shared together, and certainly our best experience using E.

The effects lasted a few hours, I lost track of time. The next day we didn't seem to experience any hangover effects, except for a suppressed appetite. The loving feelings for each other seemed to persist however.

I don't like to condone the use of using illegal substances, but ecstasy is an amazing drug that I would do again, but probably only with a significant other. It could make me say or do things that might be inappropriate otherwise. Then again..... so can alcohol and a plethora of other substances. ;) Just my two cents!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84485
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 514
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MDMA (3) : Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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