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I Got Nothing
by UCB
Citation:   UCB. "I Got Nothing: An Experience with Levmetamfetamine (exp84528)". Erowid.org. Jul 10, 2013. erowid.org/exp/84528

50 mg oral Levmetamfetamine
I am an experienced functional stimulant user (ie: ephedrine, adderall, dexedrine, propylhexedrine, modafinil, etc.) and an extremely hard-working student. One night, I found myself with a lot of work and I figured I'd give it a break with the normal stuff and try something new. Plus, with a name containing the word 'metamfetamine', it must do something, right?

Wrong. This stuff sucks. I bought a L-met inhaler at the local pharmacy, cracked it, packed the cotton into emptied pill casings from my acne medication (my preferred propylhexedrine consumption method, by the way), and downed the pills. I cracked open a textbook, started studying, and kept waiting for effects.

And waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

After sitting around for an hour without feeling a thing, I checked on the internet for experience reports. At several websites inferior to this one, other users discussed peaks at 30-60 minutes after consumption. I gave it another 2 hours, still feeling nothing, and then I gave up and popped a couple of No-Doz.

I'm generally pretty skeptical when it comes to subjective highs, but I'm almost sure this stuff does nothing. I'd recommend you not waste your time and money.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2013Views: 6,938
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