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An Uplifting Cerebral Smoke
Citation:   ethnoherb enthusiast. "An Uplifting Cerebral Smoke: An Experience with Pituri (exp84557)". Jan 19, 2012.

2 g smoked Pituri (dried)
When I was able to obtain seeds and a sample from the shrub's native region I jumped on the opportunity. During the 24 hour period leading up to this experience I only consumed very small amounts of caffeine but no other drug.

The dried pituri has a very pleasant aroma and is tan in color. There were leaves and stems in the sample I obtained.

Ground and smoked in a tobacco pipe.

I could tell there was nicotine and the related nicotine feeling but there was much more. I felt very light and cerebral and stimulated. I did not get the fatigue feeling I get from tobacco. The pituri is tan in color with a very pleasant smell and taste. The ashes were white. At the end of the experience I had a bit of a headache but it was worth it. Pituri was a very pleasant and mellow cerebral smoke. I cannot believe that this herb is not more popular.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84557
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Jan 19, 2012Views: 6,206
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Pituri (549) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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