Electric Feel
Citation:   Mr. Nice Guy. "Electric Feel: An Experience with LSD (exp84714)". Erowid.org. Sep 11, 2018. erowid.org/exp/84714

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Where do I begin? Well lets start off by saying these tabs we got were the most dank little things we have ever had. It was so intense that it made me go SUPER treehugger..something I am usually not. I'm honestly still coming down from my trip and I need to express this, yet I cant. It all started on Easter Day 2010, I met up with my friend G and C on a chilly cloudy day, we planned to watch the movie Hot Tub Time Machine and go back to G's house where we would drop our tabs and spend the night. It was all in a way first for all of us, my friend C was taking 3 tabs for his first time, I was taking it again in 3 years! And for my friend G well it truly was his first time.

Now I'm going to fast forward through the night to the point of where we drop the tabs because that's the only part I want/need to explain...

The time is now 9:53pm..as we got back from the movies we were nervous yet excited to begin our journey with Lucy, we went up to G's room and found our 10 strip tab and cut them into individual pieces and we all took 1 in symmetry. We decided to go on a walk and wait an hour then take our other tabs. We walk around G's neighborhood complex, we wander over to and fro for a long time and walk by this little mail slot area with a bright florescent light over it; right there we decide this is our place where we will go back to and see if everything looks the same. After a long long long hour we drop our second tab (for C his second and third tab) all the while sipping on some tasty orange juice, C calls his brother to and tells him to hang out with us. Now we wait for another 30 minutes walking all around smoking and watching everything. Suddenly C's brother drives up and embraces our presence so joyfully. By this time we were all feeling different and happy but not yet tripping...not even close. We all decide to go on a walk and we eventually get back to the mail slot..this is where my trip began..we all looked at the mail slot area and agree in harmony that something is different. At this moment I take notice to a tree next to a lamp post with purple flowers that were boasting with vibrance.. It was incredible! By now I start to feel overwhelmed and over stimulated and lay on the side walk smoking a cigarette and watching the smoke, my friend C joins be on the ground laying down and we became part of it.

The time is around 11:30pm and we are laying on the sidewalk tripping! I start to see intense tracers of everyones faces and my hands. MY friend G starts to get a little paranoid and tells us to get up and that were talking too loud, which I totally understand because it was where he lived and it was his first time with Lucy, C and I struggle to get up from the ground as C says 'but it just feels so right..' We eventually get up and walk over near to C's brothers car and just hang out again. C starts to put on some Beatles 'Let it Be', I again start to grasp the the sidewalk and just lay down and enjoy life as my G starts to describe what he is feeling in immense detail. C, C's brother and I all nod in agreement 'yeah dude..just 'let it be' like the beatles would say.' By now we all decide we are about to peak so we better go inside so we all say our departures with C's brother, it was like losing a close friend, we all exchanged hugs and said bye.

Somehow we end up in G's room trying to get comfortable. Lucky for us we had a strobe light available with color filters. I plug it in and set it on an open drawer with the green filter. Everything now starts to come in patterns. As G lied on his bed exploring the wonderful world of LSD, C and I tried to settle into these little gamers chairs but were relentless and eventually C pulled aside his chair and we both laid on the carpet.

This is where my severe visuals start. I took off my glasses and closed my eyes and saw patterns of spades, diamonds, pyramids, and clovers under my eyelids all in rainbow! As C, G and I all stared with our eyes open in the room lit on and off and on and off again by the strobe light we (atleast I) started to see the energy in everything moving from one another between the desk then to the carpet then to me. Almost like everything was alive and connected and were all transparent and the electricity running between us all red, green and blue.

Now the whole time we are listening to music and the I turned on 'The Unicorns' which have a trippy lo-fi sound to them and we all begin to peak hard. G, C and I start to watch the patterns on the ceilings and walls. We eventually get tired of this and look out the window...the extraordinary things we see..the leaves are like hands moving in a motion as if they were petting cats. The American flap on the neighbors house its roaring and colors are powerful. C and I are raving to go outside now; I start to explain nature and I want to be one with mothernature and that everything is alive and mustn't be killed! C explains 'Outside has been there all along, and now I have never wanted to go outside more in my life!' G calms us down by telling us that his Grandmother is sleeping downstairs and that we can't leave. I turn away from the window in disgust for ever making me want to go so bad..

The time is now 2:00am and we are all doing our own thing. G is lying on his bed feeling 'it' and C is..well C is doing everything he is looking at the walls, relaxing, touching things that look weird. I begin to love my visuals and grab the strobe light and flash it on the wall watching how everything has a flower pattern. I begin to feel the urge to see a tree and be outside again. But G, C and I all gather together and start the strobe light again and try to substitute our crave to go outside with overpowering visuals; we go on explaining the colors for several of tens of minutes.

The time is now 2:40am and we all hear rain outside! We all start to fumble around to get to the window! As we look out the blinds we want to go out more than ever. I try to enlighten the mood and pull all the blinds up and open the window. We all stare out into the abyss of the world and have a long conversation of rain and how its perfect for LSD for at least 30 minutes. I carry on babbling about how I want to be at one with nature and we all see eye to eye that we NEED to go outside but we CANT. I start to explain we are in a window of opportunity between the rain outside and 'fake' technology inside. C points out both literally and metaphorically we are in a window..we are all astonished.

Eventually we all settle down because we are mad we cant go outside and don't want to tease ourselves with rain anymore. I close the blinds and we turn on the lights and look in G's huge closet mirror. We light up some incense sticks- they smelling fucking incredible! C and I start to 'wave' around and look in the mirror. I put my hands in my pockets and I feel dime. I pull it out feeling every single groove on it and tell C to feel it. C starts to rant about all the grooves as he passed it to G and we start to say it probably has a 100 years worth of history and suddenly C drops the dime! Oh no! ..oh well..who cares it was just dime......

The time is now 3:24am and we are sitting down on the ground between the giant mirror and G's bed where he is still lying down. The strobe light is on once again and I show C a cord for G's alarm clock and we are astounded by its brilliance of pure whiteness. We show G and he is too speechless. We deicide to turn on the real lights and now I start to look into the wonders of my teeth and my mouth. I explain this to G and C. G says 'its like I'm seeing my teeth for the first time..' I begin to feel a Course Catalog for the university that I'll be going to that has a cover that looks like wood. It was breathing and actually felt like real wood! The great feeling we all know and love on LSD is the 'breathing' effect of everything and here it starts to take affect as we stare at the lamp shade, our shirts, our hands and G's bed sheets. We begin to listen 'The Unicorns' again, we start to find it amazing and how awesome it goes with our trip. At the end of one of their songs you hear them breaking a bottle in the song; I deliberately announce 'Did you hear that? That was just our ego shattering..' From now tlll around 5:00am we are on and off with the Television watching cartoons and frequently switching to human shows. We end up on Aqua Teen Hunger Force for a while and I started to really see the brilliance of color and patterns changing on the Television. The colors were not chaining but instead becoming constantly bright then brighter then just bright then brighter again! They were never NOT bright.

The time now is 5:00am and we dawdle into the curiosities of the internet on C and I's iPod Touches. I visit a website and become dumbfounded on a picture of the universe. I show G and C and we started to have intense visuals once again. We roam over to google and start image searching 'the Universe' I find several photos and save them. We all gravitate towards a specific picture of the Universe with stars and dots around it. I gazed stunned and stupefied that all the stars and dots became purple, yellow, blue and green and started to pulsate and almost look like million mini fireworks as the Universe in the middle swayed like and ocean. C and I must have looked at this photo for a total of two hours, that was how amazing it was.

The time now is 5:50am and we have just ended watching the news on the Television dumbfounded by what was going on in the world. We all decide that at 6:15am we we're going to go outside. As C and I wait the seemingly endless 25 minutes to be up we gawk over the picture of the Universe again raving about how its still 'alive' after almost 8 hours and that we got some good shit for the visuals to last this long.

The time is now finally 6:15am! We prepare to leave and get everything ready. We walk outside-it has now been 8 and 1/2 hours since we dropped-and everything is BRIGHT, VIBRANT, and BEAUTIFUL. It was the most amazing sight I have ever seen. I couldn't help but blurt out 'Its like everything happened like it was on purpose!' We walked around for a bit taking in everything and then sat a park just looking at everything nature holds for us for an hour. As we are walking C points out all these snails on the sidewalk; C and I jump onto the rode scared to kill a life as G just continues walking..

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
We walk back to my car and I ask G and C 'Wanna go for a drive?' They animately say 'Yes!' I start the car and put on my iPod; The Beatles!!!! We soon discover that The Beatles fit and sync with everything! Everything is connected! About what we talk about and how it comes up in the song we are listening to. I back up slowly and start to drive..I travel down long roads (suddenly 'The Long and Winding Road' comes on the speakers!) and drive forever! We get to a big hill and once we got over it there it was- the most beautiful mountain side ever! We all fume and bellow at the sight. However we get to the end of our road and make a U-turn back home. Driving now was just pure euphoria while listening to the Beatles. Now instead of going back we decide to drive by our High School and look at it. On the way I saw a girl in a car next to me and was astounded! She was ALLURING, LOVELY, PREPOSSESSING, and all the things a goddess should be. I didn't want to say anything, but after seeing other women in other cars I had to say it 'Dude I'm just gunna say it, is it just me or are women just sooooo beautiful!!!' They were just like vastly bewitching and C & G both agree and we all explain how we all saw different women in different cars that were all drop-dead GORGEOUS!

The time is now 7:40am and we have just arrived back at G's house. We go to his room and watch Television. A Jackie Chan movie was on call Mr. Nice Guy...Jackie Chan was intense!! He was our hero and savior; this guy could use anything around him to fend off evil! He was about to be ran over by a gigantic construction truck and used his feet to kick off the tire while on his back on the ground to avoid getting run over! Jackie Chan, a innocent bystander, risked his life to save to two girls he didn't even know!! I start to crack my neck, knuckles and toes and explain how good it feels. C joins in on the cracking and for a moment we just sat and cracked. We all suddenly get hungry and start craving some Chicken Biscuits from Chick-Fil-A!

The time is now 8:25am and as we leave we wonder if we are still tripping so we look at the picture of the Universe again it was still moving and bright! We go outside and flick rain drops off leaves enjoying and soaking in everything. I drive us to Chick-Fil-A where we gorge on the best food known to man but suddenly after I eat one I start to become profound on the reflections of everything created from the rain and became full. C & G were still hungry so they ordered another one and feasted away! But something happened..as I watched them eat those Chicken Biscuits I realized the pain the chicken had to go threw to make us have a happy meal. I felt disgusted and yet at the same time I felt it was a fair trade off because they taste so good.

The time is now 9:00am we eventually go back to G's house and bam! There was another Jackie Chan movie on Television called 'Who Am I?' We all laugh and watch. We can't stay on one channel and switch back and forth between the Jackie Chan Film, The Fresh Prince, and a show on the SyFy channel with Jennifer Love Hewitt. Eventually we settle on the SyFy show and start listening to 'The Unicorns' again and surprisingly it synced up perfectly!?! The song ended precisely as the show when to commercial..you had to be there.

Finally it is now 11:00am and C & I decide it's time to go home. We gather our stuff together for awhile all the while listening to 'The Unicorns' We get to my car and we say our farewells to G and drive off after a bit of rustling in the car just making sure we had everything. I drop off C at his home after an awesome night and tell him it was incredible and for him to say 'Hi' to his brother for me.

I'm HOME! I park my car in the garage feeling the music flow through me. I get all my stuff and walk slowly to my room I get to the top of the stairs and a strange but similar figure stands there asking me if I even slept, I responded 'ehh not really.' My mom then advises me to shower and get some rest. I can only say yes. I put all my stuff away and in the fullness of time step into the shower...wow..what can I say..it was like a..REBIRTH!! I step out of the shower a new man. I get dressed in some comfy clothes and go downstairs to have some water and then it hit me! These were memories that I remember but were all jumbled up and had not line of chronological order. I quickly went back to my room to chat with C & G on aim to reminisce of a night that only happened hours ago!

I then became incredibly hungry and decided to heat up some Extra Crispy KFC mmmmm finger lickin' good! As I reached inside the bucket I saw some crumbs of the Extra Crispy skin of the KFC at the bottom (you know what I'm talking about!) and I ate them with my fingers like a starving caveman! Ironically my friend G hates the skin on fried chicken! What blasphemy!! Anyways that leads up to the time being now- the present: a gift. My chicken is downstairs waiting for me and I and writing this report still. SO now I must end it; BUT let me end it by saying this: LSD is something you cannot describe with words I only maybe wrote out 65% of what happened last night on this report. If I wrote all 100% of it it would be too long as it already is!!! FUCK look how long this shit is!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Sep 11, 2018Views: 819
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LSD (2) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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