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A Night I'll Never Forget
Citation:   Professor X. "A Night I'll Never Forget: An Experience with DXM (exp8473)". Oct 25, 2020.

2400 mg oral DXM (powder / crystals)
I will start out to say that I am a very foolish man. Also, I am glad to be alive to tell this tale. My first mistake was in measuring out the amount of DXM I was to take on this particular night. The previous night I took 500mg of DXM and it made me feel all funky and a lil weak in the legs. So I thought that tonight I'd up my dosage to 1000mg. And since the lethal dose of DXM is 2,500mg I thought that I'd be fine with 1000mg. Also I have friends that have taken doses of 1,300 and have been fine.

I found some 250mg capsules of penicillin. So I emptied some of those out and filled them up with DXM. I figured that 4 would equal 1000mg right? WRONG! The weight of each substance is different. I forgot to take this into account when I packaged this dosage up. So at exactly 9pm I took the 4 capsules which each equaled roughly 600mg. At 9:30 I started feeling it. At first when it came on I felt all funky, the feeling I get before I trip on acid. And then walking began to become difficult.

So I decided to get off my computer and head up to my bedroom. In my room I noticed that my dexterity in my fingers was greatly hindered. It was hard to secure a good grip on most objects. After fiddling around with my radio for a good 10 minutes trying to get it to work, I figured that it wasn't worth all the hassle. And I got it through my mind that I wasn't going to be able to fix it. So I figured that this night was gonna have to come to an end by sleeping of the DXM... or so I thought. I made my way to my bed and removed my glasses. I thought that at least I'd still be able to see some pretty cool closed eye visuals.

Well, it was now around 10:15pm and I was getting sick of waiting for this drug to kick in. So I went to sleep thinking that everything would be alright. To my surprise I awoke not 12 hours later in the morning, but rather about an hour later sometime after 11pm. At this time I could tell the drug was coming into effect. My room did not seem like it normally did. I could just sense that something was different. With all lights out I could still see most of my room. Except the room wasn't covered by dark black shadows like it normally is. My whole room seemed to be a color of dark purple. I thought this to be very odd.

And then I noticed this feeling I had inside my head. A rather inebriated feeling. It was as if I had just drank 15 beers. I was almost paralyzed, hardly unable to make a move on my bed. When I looked at the clock it was a big red blur. I needed to get within an few inches of it to tell the time. And even then, it was still blurry. I then tried to go to sleep by closing my eyes and burying my head into my pillow.

Well, I did go to sleep. And when I awoke a half hour later, I did not like the sights I saw. I was plagued with horrendous open and closed eye visuals. The kind I would only seem to get by eating endless sheets of acid. However I did not freak out, for I do have a good mind. Even though all this madness was going out around me, I remembered that I was really laying on my bed, safe and sound in my house.

Everything that I saw seemed to be cartoon animated like the movie Beavus and Butthead Do America, the part where they are in the desert and they are hallucinating. The madness never seemed to end. When I would close my eyes and try to sleep, is was as if my eye lids were transparent, the hallucinations still proceeded. It was no use trying to stop any of this, for I knew that I was in for the LONGEST night of my life. This one hallucination that I remember vividly was I was strapped to my bed and my bed was on this pole. And I slid vertically down the pole into a dark abyss that didn't seem to end.

Then the bed became horizontally and I arrived at an area that was inhabited by all these flames. All orange in color. After staying there for quite some time, the bed became vertical again and once again we slid down the pole. Then we stopped at another area and the bed turned horizontally again. Now I was in an area that surrounded me by these huge sheets of ice. Everything was cartoon animated. So this seemed like something out of a mario video game.

The rest of the night consisting of seeing hallucinations and getting knocked out. Then coming to and seeing more hallucinations. And getting knocked out. I can remember the sequence because each time I came to, I stuck my head up and looked around my room that was still the purplish color. I then laid back down and closed my eyes and I saw 'stars'. And then the stars would group together and swirl around and then I would get knocked out again. Well, I thought this would go on forever and that I had reached hell
the stars would group together and swirl around and then I would get knocked out again. Well, I thought this would go on forever and that I had reached hell

Well my trip did end. At like 6:30am. I came to around then and I was startled to see that I could barely see. My whole body was numb, when I got up to walk I could barely move, I had GREAT difficulty talking, and all the sounds I heard were like echos. I heard doors open and close and they seemed to echo over and over again in my head. Also, it seemed as it someone had turned the volume down very low. It was hard to hear. I then began to worry that I was gonna die. So I went to sleep.

I woke up at around 1pm and I still felt the same. So I called up my buddy whom I got the DXM from and asked him what was up. I could barely talk. I felt as if I was a mentally retarded person. Honestly. It was the worst feelings I had ever felt. I still had the 'drunk' feeling inside my head also. My friend told me to just drink large amounts of water and that I'd be fine by the afternoon. So I managed to go downstairs and started to drink large amounts of water. I continued to do this throughout the whole day.

When 4 pm rolled around and I noticed hardly any change, I decided to have my friend take me to the ER. Well, I spent 24 hours there and they had an IV in me to hydrate myself, and I seemed to be getting better. So the hospital let me go the following day. As I write this story, it's the night of the 5th day of my recovery. I am still feeling the drug. The symptoms are slowly going away. Will they all dissipate? I'm not sure. I hope to god that they do. But I cannot be sure yet.

Right now I have a feeling in my head as if I drank a few beers (no not still 15) and parts of my body are numb. As I said it comes and goes, the numbness that is. Each time it comes back with one less additional symptom. I pray every night that tomorrow when I awake I will be just like before I took this horrible drug. And my life will then be the same.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8473
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2020Views: 1,372
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