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Poor Man's Methadone
Citation:   Lucidsix. "Poor Man's Methadone: An Experience with Loperamide (exp8475)". Erowid.org. Aug 3, 2004. erowid.org/exp/8475

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4 oz oral Loperamide (liquid)
Imodium A-D (anti-diarrheal) Loperamide HCI

OK this sounds nuts but its true!! First off (for the explorers out there) This stuff will NOT get me high!! But if I am suffering withdrawals from certain opiates this will act as a type of 'poor mans Methadone' when taken in doses well above the recommended amount...it has been proven to completely eliminate withdrawl symptoms in opiate addicted monkeys and i recently used it to releive the symptoms of withdrawl from Tylonol #3 that i have been taking for a hand injury for aproximately 6 months. I AM NOT AWARE OF THE HEALTH RISKS INVOLVED WHEN TAKING LARGE AMOUNTS OF LOPERAMIDE HCI AND I RECOMMEND LOOKING INTO IT BEFORE GULPING DOWN 4OZ. OF IMODIUM A-D (AS I DID IN AN ADDICTS FRENZY) However it did relieve the hellish feelings and allowed me to sleep during my withdrawl stage (and im still alive and typing this and i'm proud to say that an over the counter product has helped to remove the monkey from my back!!)

The Liquid form of Imodium A-D works best (i tried the caplets and it took 2 agonizing hours to kick in) and i beleive the alcohol in the liquid actually assists in the absorbtion process. The dosage that i found myself at ease with was a 4oz bottle of so called ''cherry mint flavor liquid''(i failed to taste the cherry or the mint but thats irrelivant if you are finding yourself in a position where you are actually needing this stuff for reasons other than diarrhea).

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8475
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2004Views: 28,408
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Loperamide (459), Opiates (207), Methadone (166) : Unknown Context (20), Health Benefits (32)

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