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Exploding 160 Times Per Minute.
MDMA & Cannabis
by ktx
Citation:   ktx. "Exploding 160 Times Per Minute.: An Experience with MDMA & Cannabis (exp84753)". Jun 5, 2018.

1 tablet   MDMA (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My roommate had been searching for x for a couple of months and was having some trouble. He told me that when he had done it before it was 'pretty much the best feeling ever.' He finally ended up with two tabs and he needed someone to roll with. I just happened to be available so I took the second tab.

Our other roommate was nice enough to drive us to the beach in his amazing car which has a very powerful sound system. Armed with a jug of water we were ready to roll. About 30 minutes into the drive I noticed that I began to feel incredibly happy. We were listening to the Gorrillaz so the music helped enhance my mood. I couldn't stop smiling and I kept thanking my roommates over and over again for making my night amazing. When we neared the beach I saw the moon and it looked like it had been painted on a canvas. The friend I was rolling with literally started shrieking with joy at the sight of it.

Once we reached the beach I was about an hour into it. I can't describe the beauty of what I saw. It was like a pop up book made of glass. The sand felt almost erotic on my feet. However, I started to get overwhelmingly cold and we decided to go back.
On the way back I felt more confident than I ever have in my life. I felt absolutely no shame or regret and was not even embarrassed when my roommate and I began to rub our hands across each others faces for about 5 minutes. Every tactile sensation was amplified hundreds of times and everything I touched felt amazing.

The most enjoyable part of the night was when we started blasting From Zero by Enduser. I was sitting between two speakers and every time a beat broke it felt like I was exploding. I literally could not stop dancing, even though I was in the car and I am usually not the dancing type. I kept grabbing my friend and shaking him every time the music would build, but he didn't mind. The best way to describe my state of mind was 'primal.' I just wanted to fuck and destroy. The very mention of women drove me crazy. My roommate even said, (which he later regretted) 'I wish we were all lesbians and we could just fuck each other!' At the time it didn't even sound strange to me.

All night it was impossible to feel any emotion but happy. Any time something unpleasant was mentioned I instantly forgot about it and moved on. Once we got home I started playing my piano. The way that every sound correlated with how I moved my fingers made me physically involved in the music to the point where I felt like music itself. After a couple hours we smoked some weed and started to come down.

I don't remember much past this point other than standing alone in the dark in the bathroom at one point and vividly hallucinating that someone was in the bathtub talking to me. It was very hard to sleep and I felt restless for several hours, being unable to control my body temperature.

The next day I was expecting a hangover, but instead I felt very relaxed and found myself stretching all day. The only drawback was a minor headache from grinding my teeth all night and I was a little exhausted from dancing so much. I didn't even feel completely sober until that night, still experiencing slight euphoria and being more friendly than usual. It was hard for me to eat all day, although my senses were still a little heightened.

Overall, I now know that x is my drug and I look forward to doing it again. It was the most enjoyable experience of my life and personally, I experienced virtually no drawbacks.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84753
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 718
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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