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Never Alone
by jeri
Citation:   jeri. "Never Alone: An Experience with Eszopiclone (exp84764)". May 7, 2018.

2 mg oral Pharms - Eszopiclone
  2 mg oral Pharms - Eszopiclone
  2 mg oral Pharms - Eszopiclone
I came home with my husband and I wasn't sleepy so I decided to watch tv on the computer. I took 2mg and watched some Criminal Minds. I started to feel a little sleepy, but I felt good. I felt all fuzzy and warm. So I got up and took 2mg more.

I set back down and watched more tv and played around on the computer. Time started to fly. I got up and got something to drink and noticed that it was 4am. My husband had to get up at 5am and I knew I had to fix him breakfast so I took 2mg more. By the time my husband got up I felt like there were people all around me but I couldn't see them
I felt like there were people all around me but I couldn't see them
. I wasn't sleepy at all by now. My son got up by 8am and we left on his motorcycle and I went looking for a job.

I don't remember nothing but bits and pieces of the day. I ended up at a friends house asleep on his couch.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84764
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 49
Published: May 7, 2018Views: 4,854
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Pharms - Eszopiclone (373) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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