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Laughing Machine
Salvia divinorum (extract)
Citation:   Pheebs. "Laughing Machine: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (extract) (exp84778)". Jul 23, 2020.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
My girlfriend had salvia tucked away in her closet for like a year before she remembered it was there so we decided to try it one night. She'd done it once before. So, because it was at least a year old, it was rather dried out. I am always hesitant about ingesting/smoking any sort of drug. I always research them first and decide if it's something that my brain will like. I had smoked pot before and that's it (unless you count Ritalin and Adderall, which had been prescribed). I also have issues with anxiety. I had panic attacks quite frequently up until about 6 months before this occasion which is another factor that makes me hesitant about using drugs. But I was in good company, just my girlfriend and me, and she's always a 'smart' user. She also researches the drugs, doesn't abuse them and she knew that salvia requires a sober partner.

She told me the effects it could have and it kind of freaked me out. In her experience she had smoked it and watched a movie with a friend. She said she saw the tree in the movie coming out of the screen and her legs joined its roots. She sort of melded into the tree. . . and kept telling her friend, 'I'm in the tree!! I'm in the tree!'. But she assured me, I'd be fine.

I'm not sure of the potency but I remember her saying it wasn't the highest, maybe the next highest? She turned the lights off and played a familiar song, something I don't remember but that was mid-tempo. . . but she said that she wanted to keep it familiar because you can become paranoid. She also played the WMP visualizer.

After one hit I didn't feel much. . . I was just sort of anxious, waiting for it to do something. It just burned my throat really bad and I started coughing. I tried another hit and right after that one, I felt my back start to sweat. I didn't necessarily feel hot. . . and it wasn't a cold sweat, my back just got moist. I was sitting on the bed and felt myself start to lean to the side. I couldn't really control it. Or I didn't want to control it. I just let it go. The room wasn't really spinning. It just sort of tilted. Then I started watching the visualizer. The colors were extra vibrant and the graphics started to come out of the screen. I almost felt like I was part of it. In space, flying through this kaleidoscope of colors. Then suddenly I had this overwhelming fit of laughter hit me. It's hard to explain that one. I know this is a common effect of the drug but I never fully understood it until I did it. It’s not that everything is funny. . . I just LAUGHED. Like a madman. To the point where tears were streaming down my face. I think maybe the drug affects the hypothalamus, which is known to be the cause of epileptic fits of laughter. I'm not a doctor. . . just something I pieced together.

The whole experience lasted about 10 minutes tops but the best part of it was the after effect
the best part of it was the after effect
. I went outside and sat on the back porch to have a cigarette. It was probably two in the morning and it was summer so it was kind of warm and there was a cool breeze. I just sat there and had this unbelievable calm. I didn't feel high. My head was clearer than normal. I felt content. And I felt this way into the next day. It was better than any anti-anxiety medication I've taken.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 84778
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jul 23, 2020Views: 557
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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