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Citation:   dreamJay. "Dissolution: An Experience with DMT (exp84797)". Erowid.org. Dec 7, 2017. erowid.org/exp/84797

  vaporized DMT (powder / crystals)
The DMT was in a crystalline powder form, so we used a freebase pipe & inhaled it [good luck not getting an eyebrow raised when you buy one, commonly known as gloies]. The smoke was noxious, but bearable. Before I even exhaled, sound became distorted. My vision started to pixilate, then bend on several different axes at once.

My girlfriend’s hand was in mine, which helped immensely. Everything became animated in a chuck-close sense, & the luminosity of the color was the first thing to really blow my mind. My friend assisting my experience turned the lights off & threw on a record, encouraging me to close my eyes, so I did.

The anxiety of a new experience was ever present & expected, but I was stripped down to my core emotional associates: fear, love, comedy, anger, elation…a black hole smaller than my body moved over me like a pong ball, partially sucking me into a physical singularity, then reversing & regurgitating me back to my original form. What struck me most was just how accurately the amazingly ornate & beautiful geometric visual hallucinations followed the rhythm of the music.
What struck me most was just how accurately the amazingly ornate & beautiful geometric visual hallucinations followed the rhythm of the music.
..synethesia?…this frame of mind, not good nor bad, but simply a chosen experience of self-awareness, persisted for 4 to 5 minutes.

I very quickly came back to knowing who & where I was, the travel time to such a headchange being a mere 5 or 10 seconds. The dumbfoundedness of my hence encounter into complete dissolution of myself & everything I base my decisions on [i.e., values, memories, beliefs..] lasted for another 7 or 10 mintues…the visuals still fluttered impressively, colors layered & popping with saturation, superimposing themselves & crowding one another out of their respective space; it kind of felt like acid without the giddy feeling of unification. Landing back to my head, I was at a loss for words for some time. A few moments ago I was here, & then I was there…where?...I have no idea…

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84797
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 7, 2017Views: 930
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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