Always Something to Do on a Sunday
Citation:   Dominique. "Always Something to Do on a Sunday: An Experience with DMT (exp84850)". Apr 13, 2018.

34 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
The day was perfect.
Full sunshine, small breeze, water filtered air.
Walking through the woods to find a nice place to sit in itself was interesting.
Surrounded by beautiful green and subtle brown; with a calm lake to the side.

After my companion took his trip
Exciting but nothing powerful is what he described.
It was my turn.

While loading the yellow crystals, I was filled with nervous anxiety.
Everything I've read about this chemical floated around in my thoughts.

Inhale. Exhale. Then:
Every particle in my body charged.
Every particle in my body charged.
My body became an assortment of thousands upon thousands of particles.
My vision became as if I was looking through a tunnel, who's sides were transparent.
Not able to handle the intensity I closed my eyes. But I could still see everything around me, as If my eyes were never closed.
But the visions seen with my eyes closed were different. More abstract, like a painting slowly being washed away with water.

I had to open my eyes and look around. When doing so my field of vision expanded. I could see every single thing around me, no pinpoint vision whatsoever.

My companion's face changed. Morphing into an alienlike cat. Eyes as round and long as a basset hound. Mouth as strange as the cheshire cat.

I decided to close my eyes once more. Oh god that was the best idea in the world. I saw patterns and shapes, all connected as one unit but constantly changing. Colors gold and red permeated everything. Then all black. I felt as if I was being pulled out the top of my head. But my body was completely still. My soul was trying to leave into another realm. But i wouldn't allow it. The pulling stopped.

With full control of my soul back in my hands, something else happened. All sense of sound, taste, touch, and thought became one. I was one singular being experiencing the world just as it is. Connected. Completely connected with everything.

Then It was over. My mind felt as clear and calm as the lake sitting next to us.
Not a care in the world, because nothing really even matters.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84850
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 821
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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