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A Bit Sick and Sleepy
Morning Glory
by Puck
Citation:   Puck. "A Bit Sick and Sleepy: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp84862)". Aug 6, 2018.

750 seeds oral Morning Glory (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Method: 750 Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds of unknown age, ground into a (mostly) fine powder, placed with 1 pint of water overnight to soak. The liquid turned a dark brown after soaking for over 8 hours.

I drank nearly the entire quart after eating a small meal 2-3 hours before, and sat outside in the sun, also gardening from time to time, until eventually I felt somewhat queasy and sat down. I then began to feel as if I didn't want to move or I would feel sick. As log as I rested I felt fine. After about 1-2 hours, with no other effects I lay down inside the house. At this point my heart was racing and I felt my hands and feet get colder from the vasco-constriction. I was however able to hold a normal conversation with no apparent psychotropic effects. After the racing heartbeat I felt slightly blissful, happy, and drunk and food was very pleasurable (But this may have just been a result of not eating for a long period of time).

I have also tried eating about 400-500 morning glory seeds, ground into powder and suspended in yogurt. This allowed me to avoid the sick feeling, but the onset of the physical effects (similar to those mentioned above) took longer. From my research, I found it best to gradually increase dosage, waiting at least a month in between to avoid compounding effects.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84862
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 6, 2018Views: 649
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Morning Glory (38) : Unknown Context (20), Personal Preparation (45), General (1)

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