Part of the Pottery
Salvia divinorum (12x extract)
Citation:   Wristrock. "Part of the Pottery: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (12x extract) (exp84870)". Jun 2, 2018.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had just received the 12x. My wife was downstairs. I went upstairs to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and put a very small amount, perhaps 1/4th of a pencil eraser's worth, in my pipe.

I lit it and took it all in one hit. I held it for as long as I could, then felt it coming on. Usually this happens after I let out the smoke, but this time I felt it coming on while I was still holding my breath.

I quickly let out the smoke, as I rushed down into my trip. I was looking down at something like a vase or bowl made of pottery. I don't know that it was either one, but it was light brown. I'll call it a bowl. Someone in the bowl, or around the bowl, was giving me thoughts. I could almost see this person, but not quite. It was really old, and really wise.

It called my attention to the bowl, and indicated that the bowl was made up of a certain number of fragments. But there were only enough spaces on the bowl for all of the people with me, minus one. In retrospect, it was sort of like a game of musical chairs -- there was just enough space available that one person could not have a space in the bowl.

The others with me (I have no idea who they are), quickly took their spaces as part of the bowl. The person in/around the bowl let me know that everyone was part of the whole, and you couldn't be an individual. But if you weren't part of the bowl, you weren't part of the whole, and you would not be allowed to exist.

I tried to get to the bowl. But I realized that there was only one space left and that one other person with me was going to get that spot. I realized that I was about to lose my existence.

It frightened me so much, I realized I had to do something. Like someone who pulls himself out of a nightmare, I jumped up and ran downstairs. I was already downstairs before I realized I was actually on a trip.

It was a scary experience, but it actually left me wanting another experience like it. It wasn't my first time with Salvia, but it was my first time with such a strongly enhanced leaf.

I'm waiting for the right time to try this again. It's been a couple of years.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 84870
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Jun 2, 2018Views: 701
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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