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How I Learned Never to Be Careless
DXM & Pseudoephedrine
Citation:   Aleister. "How I Learned Never to Be Careless: An Experience with DXM & Pseudoephedrine (exp8493)". Oct 28, 2020.

T+ 0:00
708 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 1416 mg oral Pseudoephedrine (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Just recently, I was introduced to a new substance by a friend of mine. Avoiding it for the longest time and sticking with other substances (LSD, ecstasy, speed, etc.), I finally decided to give DXM a chance. I must say, I was quite pleasantly surprised with the intensity and effects of DXM. I had several enjoyable experiences with the drug, up until lately.

I have to admit, I am somewhat addicted to it. Not physically, but mentally. Two of my best friends and I had made plans to trip one night. We headed out around 12:30AM to get our cough syrup. I did in fact get around to checking the active ingredients after I had drank 2 of the bottles. I now had over 700MG of dextromethorphan in my system, as well as over 1400MG of pseudoephedrine. My friends had only had about 1/2 a bottle at the time, so we didn't have to worry about them. I immediately began frantically searching the internet for information about pseudoephedrine. I had read it was an amphetamine, and the site I was reading about it on said specifically: DO NOT DOUBLE DOSE. I had taken 24 doses.

For the next 2 hours, sheer fear and panic overtook me. I immediately called up one of my good friends and tripping partners and explained the situation to him. He said to stay mentally active and that he would be right over. He arrived about 15 minutes later, on a bike, with 3 of my other good friends that had been at his house at the time. He came inside and we talked and just basically tried to keep me awake. I hadn't really started tripping yet...About 30 minutes later, I did.

Along with the intense effects of DXM, I got almost a speed-like feeling along with it. I was scared out of my mind after reading about pseudoephedrine. My heart rate was WAY up, I was sweating alot, and felt like I hadn't slept in days, all while experiencing an intense DXM trip. My eyes were giant black balls, lacking any color. About an hour later, (it was now about 2:00AM), I began to feel somewhat better. All 7 of us decided to head down to a park at then end of my street and smoke some herb. We did so, and I began to feel much better. I was now on the second plateau, and I could feel the third coming. About 20 minutes later, I jumped up onto the third plateau.

An hour after that, we headed back to my house and smoked even more herb in my backyard. Just when I thought I was coming down from the third plateau, I hit the fourth. It was unlike anything I ever felt before. I could see color patters in the sky, i forgot who all my friends were, and it felt like I was no longer controlling my body, I was controlling my soul. Amazing feelings.

The friends I had called over had left, and it was now about 8:00AM and the rest of us decided to get some sleep. Bad idea. I laid in bed for 8 hours, honestly not getting a minute of sleep. My heart had been racing intensely and I had a terrible headache. The next day I felt incredibly fatigued and depressed. The depression carried on for a few days after that, but eventually it disappeared. It was a night that started out bad, faded into an excellent trip, but ended terribly and the after effects honestly sucked. I learned a major lesson.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8493
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2020Views: 2,899
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DXM (22), Pseudoephedrine (215) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), General (1)

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