Almost Overwhelming
Citation:   Lyrae. "Almost Overwhelming: An Experience with Methylone (exp85096)". Apr 29, 2010.

180 mg IV Methylone (liquid)
A few friends and I came across Methylone some time ago as a hopefully non-neurotoxic alternative to MDMA. After spending a night with it and taking a number of oral doses, we called it quits for a while. Three days later, we decided to take a small dose (50mg) rectally to test tolerance, and when that worked just fine, we decided to see what a sizeable dose would feel like via IV.

First off, we used distilled water that we'd boiled for five minutes to sterilize it. We used single-use, sterile sharps - no reusing those buggers. We swabbed the injection site with alcohol before and after. Long story short, we did this as safely as we could.

I'd give timestamps, but unfortunately, I was too floored to keep track of time very well.

180mg of 99.8% pure bk-MDMA was mixed into 1cc of the sterilized water and injected into a vein in my right arm at the elbow. Immediately after releasing the wrap on my bicep, I could feel a distinct warmth spreading throughout my arm, and then to my shoulder, chest, and onward. My vision tunneled slightly; I was told my pupils were dilated. I made my way to an armchair and laid down to let the drug come on fully.

Let me tell you, it is a HELL of an experience. The first wave was incredibly intense. I was afraid something had gone wrong, but the blood pressure cuff on my wrist said otherwise - 140/100 @ 100bpm, normal for me when on stimulants. The wave was very similar to an MDMA come-up, but less frantic. Fully wonderful and pleasant, tingling as it went through my limbs, but without the forceful, overwhelming 'YOU FEEL AMAZING, WOOO' that molly tends to have. I spent the next hour just lounging about, finding that the effects were most noticeable while laying flat on the floor.

All in all, this was a WONDERFUL experience. I totally plan on repeating it, however, 200mg is my upper limit, period. Passing this dose would be unwise in my opinion.

Some cautions: First, I used at least 1.5g or Methylone only 3 days prior to this experience. I may still have had some tolerance. Second, I have ADD in the form of a lower-than-average baseline level of dopamine. This makes me need about 300mg orally to get what most people seem to describe as a 'normal' effect. My IV dosage is likely higher than normal as a result. Third, our source for the methylone is a trustable labratory, and tests out at 99.8% pure. Don't inject anything that could be cut, make sure everything is clean, pure, etc etc etc. Be safe. :)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85096
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 29, 2010Views: 10,633
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