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The World Collapsed Around Me
Citation:   dashboardm3lted. "The World Collapsed Around Me: An Experience with MDMA (exp85098)". May 19, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 line insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 1 line insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
I had been offered Molly many times before and had refused it because of the environment, the people etc. I need a relaxed environment to roll or trip. The other night, a friend of mine pulls out a bag of white crystalline powder. He notices my nervousness and reaasures me he's done it many times and that 'literally, nothing can go five or ten minutes you'll start to feel it and then you'll be flying!'

I snorted a small line (it hurt! My eyes watered immediately and I will not lie it was painful), and we took a long car ride (about an hour long) within fifteen minutes, I felt light as air and each thought I had became more complex and meaningful to me. I had a perpetual smile on my face and was euphoric, alternating between giggling with my boyfriend over silly little jokes and reserving back inside myself to entertain myself with the random and beautiful thoughts. There were no closed eye visuals or anything like that, just a very exaggerated thinking experience.

Needless to say, I was enjoying myself and when my friend offered me another line, I jumped on the chance. We headed back to his house and he laid them out for us. This line I was about to shove up my nose was clearly double in size from the first one, but I was excited about this because my friend assured me the most noticeable negative effects he experienced were clenched teeth and sweaty palms. Taking his word for it, I snorted the line with no hesitation.

This next part all happens in a time frame of what I would say was about ten to fifteen minutes and then it was over. Of course it hurt to snort it, but this time it felt like I was snorting razorblades into my brain. I could feel a sharp pain in the back of my skull and could immediately tell I wasn't about to like what was going to happen. I had that panicky, ominous feeling when you know you're about to go into a bad trip and hell is about to break loose. I made my way down the stairs before it kicked in to find my boyfriend. He assured me I'd be fine but my palms were drenched and my heart was racing. My thoughts began moving so fast through my head that I couldn't understand them anymore. I stood up to shake it off and it felt like the world around me was just falling down. My vision was blurring and pulsing, making it hard to see and it felt like someone had a hand around my brain. I began having trouble breathing and told my boyfriend something was wrong. I sat down at the kitchen table and put my head down, but the lighting in the room was harsh and exaggerated, I felt on display, like my friends were watching amused while I was sure I was going to crumble onto the floor because all my muscles couldn't support me. Scared of what would happen, and not wanting my friends to be burdened by my death or what I thought for sure would be serious brain damage, I tried to run out the door back to my house, which was within viewing distance from my friends house.

Disregarding everyone around me, I walked outside followed by my boyfriend. It got to the point where I could not see in front of me and was sure I could not make it another 50 ft to my house. He cooed soothing words in my ear and calmed my mind. Finally at the house, I asked him to take me to the hospital, and I passed out against the car door. He tried to open the door underneath me, and the movement coupled with the cold metal of the car door under my skin forced me to become aware. I caught my breath and spent the rest of the night looking like a scared animal clenching my teeth. By the time I sobered up, I was drained. I had a GREAT night's sleep after that.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85098
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 19, 2021Views: 579
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MDMA (3) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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